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Providing Guidance. Warm Up: Define the term GUIDANCE. Do you believe guidance is an ongoing process? Explain why or why not.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Guidance. Warm Up: Define the term GUIDANCE. Do you believe guidance is an ongoing process? Explain why or why not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Guidance

2 Warm Up: Define the term GUIDANCE. Do you believe guidance is an ongoing process? Explain why or why not

3 Examples of Guidance In your notes, create a list of guidance you have received today, in the past week and in the past year. Make sure to include who was involved

4 Guidance on the Spot Activity Shuffle the cards with your table and one at a time pick a card. Answer the question pertaining to each guidance scenario

5 Open Ended Questions

6 Indirect vs. Direct Guidance Indirect guidance- involves outside factors that influence behavior Physical set up of the child care center Direct guidance- nonverbal and verbal actions A teacher’s words and facial expression is a form of guidance

7 verbal environment- all communication that occurs within the setting (Teachers can help create a positive verbal environment by using active listening skills.) Adults should be sincere and constructive when praising children

8 Day Two: Guidance

9 A Teacher’s Voice Be Well-modulated With inflections appropriate to the message. Be pitched appropriately for his or her age and gender. De distinct. Be correctly articulated. Be loud enough for the farthest child to hear. Be grammatically correct.

10 A Teachers Voice… Reflect words, phrases, and sentences appropriate for the children’s age or developmental level. Have a rate that is neither too fast nor too slow. Be pleasant to hear. Be natural as opposed to affected. Be free of a condescending tone. Be mature rather than babyish sounding.

11 Suggestions for Talking with a Child Using the suggestion you have been assigned, create a sign that displays the suggestion Must be visually appealing Be prepared to share and explain your suggestion with the class!

12 Positive Reinforcement Using a reward or praise to encourage good behavior

13 Why teachers should use it: Provides students with positive feedback Students respond to positive reinforcement best Helps reinforce positive behaviors and expectations Provides incentive Increases motivation, buy-in, and effort Produces a challenge with a pay-off Creates incentive Improves behavior and academics Increases on task and attending behaviors Produces immediate and quick results Provides a visual concrete reason for students to work toward behavioral and academic goals

14 Examples of Positive Reinforcement Badges!

15 Stickers!

16 Discipline Board

17 Incentive Charts

18 Sticker Charts

19 Positive Additions

20 Consequence result that follows an action or behavior

21 Warning When children fail to follow a limit(rule), remind them that they are misbehaving and their behavior will have consequences warnings provide children an opportunity to change their behavior.

22 Time-Out guidance technique that involves moving a child away from others for a short period of time Time-out is used when a child’s disruptive behavior cannot be ignored The child needs time to calm down

23 Building Positive Skills DoDon’t Help the child develop an “I-can-do-it” attitude. Don’t destroy the child’s self-confidence by doing everything for him or her. Use as few words as possible when giving verbal directions. Don’t use too many words and confuse the child. Reinforce words with actions. Don’t be inconsistent. Model the behavior that you expect from the children. Use simple words to communicate clearly. Don’t use a vocabulary that is beyond the children’s level. Speak in a calm, quiet, relaxed tone of voice. Don’t raise your voice; Save that for an emergency. Encourage independence and cooperation. Don’t do for children what they are able to do for themselves. Provide the children time to change activities. Don’t deprive the children of an adjustment time. Accept children’s sad or angry feelings.Don’t deprive the children of recognizing, understanding and learning to express their feelings.

24 Let’s craft! Two crafts will be created during this period 1 st craft: you will create your own version of a “positive addition” Place your name on craft(example shown ). 2 nd craft: positive reinforcement Of your choosing (certificate, badge, Additions board, incentive chart,)

25 I-message Tells the child how you feel about their behavior in a respectful manner

26 I-message has 3 parts 1. the child’s behavior 2. your feelings about the behavior 3. the effects of the behavior After you state the i-message, you should say what you want to be done

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