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Possible Problems, Theory Anthony E. Butterfield.

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Presentation on theme: "Possible Problems, Theory Anthony E. Butterfield."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible Problems, Theory Anthony E. Butterfield

2 References Needs to be clear if you are making a reference to something in your table of references. Example: 17. Veigel C., M. L. Bartoo, D. C. S. White, J. C. Sparrow, J. E. Molloy. 1998. The stiffness of rabbit skeletal actomyosin cross-bridges determined with an optical tweezers transducer. Biophysical Journal. 75:1424-1438. In-text references: …as seen in research on rabbit skeletal actomyosin (17). …as seen in research on rabbit skeletal actomyosin 17. …as seen in research on rabbit skeletal actomyosin (Veigel et al. 1998).

3 Equations Look at the examples Numbered equations are capitalized: – For example “Using Equation 4 the meaning of life, M L, is calculated.” Explain all symbols in text. Use same font in text as you use in equations. It is not xa, m, y, and b. It should be x a, m, y, and b

4 Figures Most should be in Methods section. Need captions. Figure fonts need to be legible without need for microscopy. – About the same as font in remainder of text. Give reference when you take images from others. – In professional life get permission (or a lawyer).

5 Handing It In Send Theory section in electronically only, at least to me. Formal report should come in both electronically and as a hard copy. Make sure CLEAR gets your formal report electronically through their site.

6 Miscellaneous Problems Introduction and Methods information in the Theory. – Tense problems. Theory = present Methods = past Missing equations you will need to satisfy the problem statement. Assumptions need to be made clear.


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