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A Curriculum Redesign Conundrum: Facilitating Faculty Professional Development and Engagement Around Instructional Methods and New Educational Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "A Curriculum Redesign Conundrum: Facilitating Faculty Professional Development and Engagement Around Instructional Methods and New Educational Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Curriculum Redesign Conundrum: Facilitating Faculty Professional Development and Engagement Around Instructional Methods and New Educational Technologies

2 Contact Information Amanda Albright Instructional Technology Support Specialist Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Brian Reid Associate Director of Computing Curriculum Applications Specialist Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Virginia Lyons Associate Professor of Anatomy Assistant Dean of Year 1 Curriculum Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Alison Ricker Program Administrator Office of Medical Education Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

3 Session Goals  Discuss the challenges around engaging basic science and clinical faculty in professional development opportunities around improving fluency with educational technology.  Identify marketing and communication methods to announce availability of professional development opportunities and support basic science and clinical faculty.  Identify methods for delivering professional development opportunities and instructional resources to faculty learners with different preferences and needs.  Develop a list of best practices for facilitating faculty discussions around instructional methods and educational technologies being integrated into the new curriculum.

4 Session Overview  Introduction and Goals (5 min)  Group Discussion: Shared Challenges (10 min)  Breakout Groups: Essential Questions (55 min)  Summary/Report Findings (10 min)  Closing Thoughts/Next Steps (10 min)

5 Shared Challenges  What challenges have you experienced during the curriculum reform process and/or the implementation of new pedagogies and technologies for instruction?  What are the sources of resistance?  How do these challenges translate to issues for engaging faculty in discussions around the new curriculum, instructional methods, and professional development?

6 Essential Questions Marketing and Communications  What challenges have you encountered with marketing and communicating the availability of professional development opportunities and instructional support?  What methods for marketing and communication have you found successful? What was not as successful?  What new or different ideas have you heard about but have not yet tried?  Who provides professional development opportunities around teaching and learning at your institutions?

7 Essential Questions Methods for Engaging Faculty  What challenges have you encountered engaging faculty in professional development?  What methods have you used for engaging basic science and clinical faculty in professional development opportunities around instructional methods and improving fluency with educational technology?  How were these methods determined - needs analysis, survey, trial and error, or other methods?  Which methods are most widely used?

8 Essential Questions Facilitating Faculty Discussion  What are some of the practices you have found most useful for facilitating faculty discussions/sharing of best practices around instructional methods?  Do the same practices apply to discussions about integrating new educational technologies?

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