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Publications & Co. Commercial licenses Reminder: “standard” FLUKA commercial license approved by CERN and INFN legal offices “Standard” is for the template,

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Presentation on theme: "Publications & Co. Commercial licenses Reminder: “standard” FLUKA commercial license approved by CERN and INFN legal offices “Standard” is for the template,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Publications & Co

2 Commercial licenses Reminder: “standard” FLUKA commercial license approved by CERN and INFN legal offices “Standard” is for the template, monetary conditions negotiated case by case depending on the extent of the application etc In 2014: One license signed and paid Two under finalization (negotiation done) One initiated with positive feedback One “commercial fee” received for the last fluka course Many thanks to the CERN Technology Transfer office for active assistance Money should be accumulated and preferentially used for manpower. (beware of admin offices..) 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting2

3 Collaborations on space applications CERN – CEA – ONERA collaboration, mainly on neutron albedo (Alfredo correct me if I’m wrong.) CEA == Commissariat a’ l’energie atomique et aux energies renouvelables ONERA == Centre francais de recherché Aerospatiale Possible INFN-CERN-Thales-ESA Collaboration about simulations on shielding for space missions, including in-beam tests of shielding materials. If approved, may get money to pay an “Assegno di ricerca”, please let me know if you know somebody that could be interested. 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting3

4 Common activities (..again..) It has been said many times: this collaboration should be an opportunity to collaborate, on development, dissemination, and on common areas of application New (and old..) activities, planned publications… should be announced to the collaboration so that interested members can participate (doing real work…) How? Tried with regular phone meetings, slowly died (mostly my fault) Collaboration meetings are a good exchange moments, but they are too rare Proposal: Web interface where people should post their “abstracts” for activities /papers /conferences etc Two FSC members in charge of bookkeeping and sharing (myself and Andrea M) A good opportunity to keep in touch 415 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting

5 elog 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting5 Access with username/password (will insert everybody if adopted. Try it with guest / flukaguest ) Automatic e-mail to selected victims and/or to all those interested Every user can add a “new” Activity/paper/conference in an old or new category, write an abstract an/or attach files/documents

6 Elog “new entry” 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting6 Please let me know if you “like” it, so that we can adopt as soon as possible ( happy new year!) Still some customization to do

7 Publications (..again..) Quoting Stefan « I think that we (as FSC) see only a tiny (?) subset of publications that we should see. In this regard I suggest to emphasize that review by the FSC (or announcement of work to the collaboration) is not to penalize the authors but rather that it is to the benefit of the quality and consistency of their work and the work of the collaboration. >> Please forward. Not only the ones of common interest If we adpt elog (or similar) it should help 715 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting

8 FLUKA standard references We had problems with the two usual fluka references being not on peer-rewieved journals. Temporary patch with the Nuclear Data proceedings on Nuclear Data Tables, however not fully representative Will be substituted with the proceedings fof MC2013, to be published in Annuals of Nuclear Energy AND : proposal to issue the updated FLUKA manual as CERN and INFN report, with all collaborators names. 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting8

9 Ongoing / suggested papers Neutrinos. Waiting for last code developments (Mattias, Paola, George, Giuseppe) Prompt Gammas. Waiting for Paola’s parts (many contributors here) Bragg peaks. Waiting for Alfredo’s parts (Andrea, Till, Alfredo…) Speed optimization etc for PET/prompt photons (Cristina, ?) Cosmics? MuTeV? Neutrons? This is badly needed, there are more and more papers around doing our benchmarking on neutron production. (Alberto?).. 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting9

10 Mailing lists Reminder: for the collaboration members

11 Fluka-discuss Lately: many “unsubscribe” requests and many “too basic” questions Proposed “how-to” for posts, useless if many users do not read the documentation? Implemented: instructions and “push button” for unsubscribe on web-site – works Proposals: Migrate to cern e-groups  provides better search in archive  Does not reduce mail flow  Needsnew procedure for sem-automatic subscription Change from mail list to forum  Better by-topic organizations  No spam to users  Needs somebody who implements the forum, keeping full delivery to a set of persons to be defined, some way for (semi) automatic subscription, etc 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting11

12 Web site Ahi ahi ahi 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting12

13 new fluka site.. We could not get the needed manpower, so we still have the old website May get some help from the CERN EN-ICE group, that already prepared websites for other groups in the EN department. First contact through Roberto Losito, got positive impression, needs follow-up in January. 15 Dec 2014FLUKA coll. meeting13

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