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Stimulate Motivation Improve Performance Overcome “This is boring!*!” Posi + ive Difference PD for Educators 6/26/12

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Presentation on theme: "Stimulate Motivation Improve Performance Overcome “This is boring!*!” Posi + ive Difference PD for Educators 6/26/12"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stimulate Motivation Improve Performance Overcome “This is boring!*!” Posi + ive Difference PD for Educators 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators1

2  Communication  Creativity  Team work  Flexibility & adaptability  Technical skill (base line skill) 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators2

3  Dream  Discover  Design  Deliver 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators3

4  Interacting systems  Bidirectional neural connections  Emotional communication stronger 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators4

5 Help Hinder Intelligence unfolds in the presence of a nurturing environment. Erickson  Make “it” safe  Consciously create positive emotional states  Create social security You can’t learn with a hi-jacked brain. Dan Goleman  Threat  Appraisal  Reaction or Action  Tune in or turn-off 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators5

6  Safety & Security ◦ Connection & belonging  Autonomy & Self-determination ◦ Choices & decisions, not “The Big Wait”  Feel competent ◦ Trial & error 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators6

7 is inspiring an individual or team to produce a desired result through personalized teaching, expanding awareness, and designing the environment. The Art of Possibility 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators7

8 Motivation is an investment decision. Students don’t invest because they don’t value what’s happening in the classroom. Robyn Jackson 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators8

9 Students enthusiastically greet and engage learning opportunities that are authentic, meaningful, and personally relevant.  Attract Attention  Stimulate Desire  Infuse Substance 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators9

10 Being inattentive means being otherwise attracted. Ellen Langer Novelty Choice Appealing Distractions 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators10

11 I will act as though what I do makes a difference. William James  Me-ness—knows, does, cares about  We-ness—relevance to me, group, village, globe  Choice—whenever possible and encouraging growth 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators11

12  Authentic Tasks  Crafted skillfully  With Access to All (Differentiated) 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators12

13  Objectives: clear expectations & content standards  Activities: tasks focused & structured (time lines, organizational aides, models)  Assessment: clear criteria, opportunities for success, alternate forms of expression 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators13

14  Use multiple instructional methods  Opportunities for participation  Varying levels of instruction  Means of expression  Opportunities for success  Multi-modal learning pathways 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators14

15 ATTRACTION DESIRE MOVEMENT BELONGING SUBSTANCE  novelty & choice  relevance & authenticity  active involvement  affiliation & interdependence  clear product focus & standards; self- monitoring; micro- formative assessments 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators15

16  Student Affirmation & Objective I am inspired and engaged in worthwhile work. What I do matters. 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators16

17  Commitment to self and others  Challengeas opportunity  Control“can do” belief—have or can acquire the resources 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators17

18  What 2 criteria does a good project need to be meaningful? (Larmer & Mergendoller, 2010) 1. Students must perceive the task as personally meaningful, a task that matters so they want to do well. 2. Project must fulfill an educational purpose. 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators18

19 1. Need to know ◦ Engaging launch or project packet 2. Driving question ◦ What’s the instructional point initiated w heart 3. Voice and choice ◦ Topic, creative product, limited choices, time structure 4. 21 st century skills ◦ Collaboration, communication, critical thinking, technology 5. Inquiry and innovation Student generated questions, testing ideas, draw conclusions 6. Feedback and revision ◦ Direct, rubrics, peer critique 7. Publicly presented ◦ Forum, parent meeting, assembly, other classes 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators19

20 The abstract and far away don’t always sustain the interest of the young. Place- and community-based education makes learning relevant.  Connecting learning to life, engages, builds social capital, reconnects students to natural world, builds leaders by looking for real solutions to real problems. 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators20

21 ? Local topics or issues meaningful to students ? Subject areas fit within topic ? 4-5 overarching questions to guide learning ?Learning standards project will assess ?Student learning assessment and scaffolding. ? Community partners you can bring to school ?Learning beyond the school walls: field studies, monitoring or inquiries activities ?Publicize results 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators21

22  EL—Education Leadership Magazine, “Meaningful Work.” Vol. 68. No.1; September, 2010 (Entire issue about engagement through project based learning.)  Given, B. Teaching to the Brain’s Natural Learning Systems. 2002. Alexandria, VA. ASCD 6/26/12 Positive Difference PD for Educators22

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