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DeArmanville Elementary Kim Vivanco IL 622 Effective School Research.

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2 DeArmanville Elementary Kim Vivanco IL 622 Effective School Research

3 21,000 plus residents. DES serves approximately 450 Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) and in the Alabama Math Science Technology Initiative (AMSTI). Computer, art, and music. DeArmanville Elementary School is an accredited member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools About The School Year # Students Fulltime Teachers Student/ Teacher ratio % Free/Dis c Lunch 200639624.016.540.2 200734621.016.538.9 200839327.014.652.7 200940828.814.052.5 201040731.612.852.4




7 Strongly Disagree DisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree 1.This school is a safe place to work 127 2. I am currently perusing in-service opportunities to improve myself as a teacher. 262 3.There are sufficient opportunities to learn new instructional methods. 145 4. Students at this school fight a lot. 5131 5.Most students at this school would not be successful at a community college or university. 3313 6. Students at this school trust the teachers. 37 7. I have been able to deter bullying behavior among students. 172 8. Administrators at this school trust my professional judgment. 172

8 Strongly Disagree DisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree 9. I respect the students. 46 10. Students at this school are capable of high achievement of standardized exams. 154 11. I would benefit from more professional development provided by the district. 253 12. Students at this school are not motivated to learn. 46 13. Some children carry guns or knives in this school. 82 14. Most students in the school will live beyond the age of 25 years. 154 15. I address bullying behavior in my classroom or at the school at least once per month. 163 16. Teachers at this school care whether or not the students are successful. 37 17. Parents are supportive of the school and its activities. 172

9 Strongly Disagree DisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree 18.Teachers are not fair to some students at this school. 631 19. There are some students who will be successful in this school because of their race. 352 20.Teachers at this school work hard to foster a supportive climate for the students. 37 21.We are preparing students to become productive citizens. 136 22. I look forward to coming to work most days. 136 23. Students at this school will have trouble with core academic subjects regardless of strength of instruction. 451 24. I have met most of my students’ parents or adult caretaker. 73 25. Racial barriers to educational and economic opportunity no longer exist in the United States. 532

10 When reviewing survey data and referencing The Correlates of Effective Schools: The First and Second Generations: The climate at DES is conducive to teaching and learning without the threat of physical harm. Safe and Orderly Environment There is a high expectation for learning and success. Climate of High Expectations for Success The responders express that the principal acts as an instructional leader and treats them like professionals. Instructional Leadership There is a strong connection between home and school at DeArmanville Elementary. Home-School Relations

11 Extended QuestionsStrongly Disagree DisagreeNot SureAgreeStrongly Agree The essential content is organized and sequenced in a way that students have ample opportunity to learn it. 181 The instructional time available to teachers is protected by minimizing interruptions and scheduled non- instructional activities. 91 Someone checks to ensure that teachers address the essential content. 10 An assessment system is used that provides for timely feedback (e.g., at least every nine weeks) on specific knowledge and skills for individual students 64 Performance on school wide and individual student goals is used to plan for future actions. 262 My school has a clear and focused mission that is understood and supported by the faculty. 181 Time Monitoring of Progress Focused Mission

12 The responders noted that they would like to have more professional development from the district level. This need falls in the area of better training of teachers to become efficient and effective in serving all students. Clear and Focused Mission

13  1. Follow up survey to entire faculty to determine topics that need support.  2. Share the findings with the principal and faculty.  3.Prioritize needs with consideration to DES’s Continuous Improvement Goals and Oxford City Schools District Goals.  4. Map out implementation schedule.

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