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Unit 4- Fitness Training and Programming Components of fitness

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1 Unit 4- Fitness Training and Programming Components of fitness
Thursday 14th November 2013

2 Starter- Components of fitness
Number 1-7 on a scrap piece of paper TIP- 11 Fitness components

3 Learning Outcomes- Know- the health and skill related fitness components Understand- How each component can benefit a sporting performance Be able to- Describe each component using the key terminology.

4 Fitness components Muscular Endurance Aerobic Endurance Flexibility
(6) Speed Power Muscular Strength

5 Aerobic Endurance The ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently supplying nutrients and oxygen to working muscles during physical activity. Important for daily activities Many sports form the base of fitness for many sports Poor aerobic endurance leads to a poor performance

6 Muscular Endurance The ability of the muscular system to work efficiently, specific muscle group contracting over a period of time.

7 Flexibility (Two Main types)
Having an adequate range of motion in all joints of the body.

8 Static and dynamic flexibility
Static Flexibility Dynamic Flexibility The range of movement a muscle or joint can achieve Limited by the structure of the bones, joints, muscle size and muscle tone. The range of movement a muscle or joint can achieve when in motion Limited by co-ordination and your level of static flexibility

9 Flexibility? Poor flexibility: -decrease range of movement
Increase the chance of injury and stiffness Decrease sporting performance Flexibility Limitations: Body composition Genetics Gender Muscle and tendon elasticity Too much flexibility at an injury can lead to injury due to excessive range of movements

10 Strength is required in all sports but just in varying degrees.
The ability a muscle or muscle group to exert a force in a single maximal contraction. Strength is required in all sports but just in varying degrees.

11 Speed The ability to move over a certain distance in the quickest possible time Speed endurance is a secondary element combining with anaerobic endurance- team sports.

12 Power The ability to generate and use muscular strength quickly. - Needed by athletes in specific sports

13 Cubing Task Complete a cube with 6 questions based on the components of physical fitness: Aerobic Endurance Muscular Endurance Flexibility Strength Speed Power Make the questions as hard as possible with the answer underneath. Ensure you number each question 1-6.

14 Other components of physical fitness
Body Composition Agility Balance Coordination Reaction time

15 The amount of body fat and lean body tissue
Body composition The amount of body fat and lean body tissue Three types of body compositions: Ectomorph Endomorph Mesomorph

16 Agility The ability to change directions many times quickly and accurately in a sports performance whilst maintain control.

17 Balance Able to maintain stability or equilibrium while performing. Dynamic or static balance? Equilibrium: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

18 Co-ordination The smooth flow of movement needed to perform a motor task efficiently and accurately OR The ability to use two or more body parts together with control

19 Reaction Time The time taken for a sports performer to respond to a stimulus and the initiation of their response.

20 Cubing Body Composition Agility Balance Coordination Reaction time
Complete another cube with the other components of physical fitness: Body Composition Agility Balance Coordination Reaction time Make the questions as hard as possible.

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