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Knowledge specialization, knowledge brokerage, and the uneven growth of technology domains Gianluca Carnabuci Jeroen Bruggeman Forthcoming in Social Forces.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge specialization, knowledge brokerage, and the uneven growth of technology domains Gianluca Carnabuci Jeroen Bruggeman Forthcoming in Social Forces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge specialization, knowledge brokerage, and the uneven growth of technology domains Gianluca Carnabuci Jeroen Bruggeman Forthcoming in Social Forces

2 Goal: explain knowledge growth Evolutionary (Schumpeterian) outlook: variation of cultural elements through innovation, as recombination of existing cultural elements Focus on network of ideas referring to other ideas (not the institutional or organizational context of innovation)

3 Literature Specialization (exploitation), requires investment but then becomes efficient Brokerage (exploration), higher chance of novelty but higher risk and lower efficiency Combinations of both strategies, as a balance, sequence, or in parallel

4 Towards model Knowledge brokerage: recombining heterogeneous ideas from different sources Knowledge specialization: recombining closely related, homogeneous, ideas Both are endpoints of a continuum To avoid contradiction, keep apart specialization as a property, and a process of recombining ideas from a progressively more homogeneous pool

5 Specialization Model: variation of Burts Main difference: self-specialization (analogous to self-constraint) added

6 Conjectures Brokerage beneficial if followed by process of specialization Once combinatory potential of latter runs dry, alternate with brokerage Cyclical pattern of innovation?

7 Innovation strategy of specialization and brokerage Is oscillating, not cyclical Source: P.Turchin (2003)

8 Data 2 million patents (USPTO),16 million citations during 1975-1999, into 5 year intervals Analysis at level of (418) technology domains corresponding to fields, i.e. epistemic communities of organizations and individuals sharing knowledge, norms, & reputation system Knowledge growth: # patents weighted by # citations

9 Discussion & Conclusion Conjectures confirmed In later study, Carnabuci found stronger confirmation at organizational level Supposidly also hold for individuals and in different (other than technological) fields

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