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Published byMaria Sanders Modified over 9 years ago
HP Provider Relations October 2011 Mental Health Industry From behind the scenes
2 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Agenda –Session Objectives –Outpatient Mental health –Medicaid Rehabilitation Option (MRO) Transformation –Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) –Partial Hospitalization –Brand Medically Necessary PA requirements –Risk-Based Managed Care (RBMC) –Common Denials for Mental Health –Helpful Tools –Questions
3 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Objectives At the end of this presentation, providers will understand the following: –Outpatient coverage requirements –Changes with MRO services –Meaning of rolling 12-month period –Role of the health service provider in psychology (HSPP) –Managed care carve-in –Services covered under: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities Partial Hospitalization –PA requirements for “Brand Medically Necessary” Mental Health Drugs –How to review and resolve the most common Mental Health claim denials
Understand Outpatient Mental Health
5 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Outpatient Mental Health –The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) under the direction of the Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 405 IAC 5-20-8 reimburses for outpatient mental health services when provided by: Licensed physicians Psychiatric hospitals Psychiatric wings of acute care hospitals Outpatient mental health facilities Licensed psychologists with the HSPP designation
6 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Outpatient Mental Health –The IHCP also reimburses under 405 IAC 5-20-8 for psychiatrist or HSPP-directed outpatient mental health services for group, family, and individual outpatient psychotherapy when such services are provided by one (1) of the following practitioners: –(A) A licensed psychologist. –(B) A licensed independent practice school psychologist. –(C) A licensed clinical social worker. –(D) A licensed marital and family therapist. –(E) A licensed mental health counselor. –(F) A person holding a master's degree in social work, marital and family therapy, or mental health counseling, except that partial hospitalization services provided by such person shall not be reimbursed by Medicaid. –(G) An advanced practice nurse who is a licensed, registered nurse with a master's degree in nursing with a major in psychiatric or mental health nursing from an accredited school of nursing. Mid-level practitioners are not enrolled by the IHCP
7 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Outpatient Mental Health Psychiatrist or HSPP responsibilities –Must certify the diagnosis and supervise the plan of treatment as stated in 405 IAC 5-20-8 (3) (a) (b) –Must see the patient or review information obtained by a mid-level practitioner within seven days of intake –Must see the patient or review documentation to certify treatment plan and specific modalities at intervals not to exceed 90 days –Must document and personally sign all reviews No co-signatures on documentation –Must be available for emergencies An emergency is a sudden onset of a psychiatric condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of such severity that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in (1) danger to the individual, (2) danger to others, or (3) death of the individual
8 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 PA requirements –Prior authorization (PA) is required for units in excess of 20 per member, per rendering provider, per rolling 12-month period: Codes below in combination are subject to 20 units per member, per rendering provider, per rolling 12-month period: −90804 through 90815 −90845 through 90857 −96151 through 96153 –Requests for PA should include a current plan of treatment and progress notes to support the effectiveness of therapy –Reference the IHCP Provider Manual Chapter 6 for prior authorization guidelines and instructions Managed care entities (MCEs) may have different PA requirements; providers are encouraged to contact each MCE for PA processes Outpatient Mental Health
9 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Outpatient Mental Health What is a rolling 12-month period? –A rolling 12-month period is: Based on the first date that services are rendered by a particular provider Renewable one unit at a time beginning 365 days after the date that services are rendered by a particular provider –It is not: Based on a 12-month calendar year Based on a fiscal year Renewable on January 1 of each year
10 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Outpatient Mental Health Psychiatric diagnostic interview (90801) –One unit of psychiatric diagnostic interview (90801) is allowed per member, per provider, per rolling 12-month period per IAC 405 IAC 5- 20-8 (14) –Additional units require PA –Exception: Two units are allowed without PA if separate evaluations are performed by a psychiatrist or HSPP and a mid-level practitioner
11 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Outpatient Mental Health Prior Authorization –Mail or Fax PA requests to: ADVANTAGE Health Solutions-FFS P.O. Box 40789 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Fax number: 1-800-689-2759 –For questions or inquiries, call 1-800-269-5720 –For RBMC members, contact the appropriate MCE
12 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Care Select Organizations – Prior Authorization –ADVANTAGE Health Solutions P.O. Box 80068 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Phone: 1-800-784-3981 Fax request: 1-800-689-2759 –MDwise P.O. Box 44214 Indianapolis, IN 46244-0214 Phone: 1-866-440-2449 Fax request: 1-877-822-7186
13 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Physician Covered Services –Medical services provided by mid-level practitioners, such as clinical social workers, clinical psychologists, or any mid-level practitioners (excluding nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists) are not reimbursable for the following codes: 90805 90807 90809 90811 90813 90815 90862 NOTE: These services are also not reimbursable if done by an HSPP
14 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Physician, HSPP Covered Services –PA is always required for neuropsychological and psychological testing 96110 – Developmental Testing 96111 – Developmental Testing Extended According to 405 IAC 5-2-8(7), a physician or HSPP must provide these services
15 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Noncovered services –Biofeedback –Broken or missed appointments –Day care –Hypnosis Outpatient Mental Health
16 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Billing overview –Services are billed on the 837P or the CMS-1500 paper claim form –Services are billed using the National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the facility or clinic, and the rendering NPI of the supervising psychiatrist or HSPP –Medical records must document the services and the length of time of each therapy session –Psychiatrists and HSPPs are reimbursed at 100 percent of the allowed amount –Mid-level practitioners are reimbursed at 75 percent of the allowed amount Services rendered by mid-level practitioners are billed using the rendering NPI of the HSPP Outpatient Mental Health
17 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Billing overview –Appropriate modifiers must be used for mid-level practitioner s AH – Clinical psychologist AJ – Clinical social worker HE and SA – Nurse practitioner or nurse specialist HE – Any other mid-level practitioner as addressed in the 405 IAC 5-20-8 HO – Master’s degree level SA – Nurse practitioner or clinical nursing specialist (CNS) in a nonmental health arena Outpatient Mental Health
18 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Billing overview –Procedure codes billed with modifiers HE or HO for dually eligible Medicare/Medicaid members may utilize claim notes to indicate the provider has performed a service that is not approved to bill to Medicare Claims submitted using claim notes must indicate in the claim notes on the 837P the following text: “Provider not approved to bill services to Medicare” The use of claim notes allows the claim to suspend for review of the claim note and be adjudicated appropriately Outpatient Mental Health
Learn MRO Services
20 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 –The Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (OMPP), in conjunction with the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA), developed a benefit plan structure for Medicaid members receiving MRO services –Prior to July 1, 2010, there were no PA requirements and no benefit limitations imposed for members receiving MRO services during the benefit period –While members can continue to access MRO providers based on a self-referral, members who have a qualifying MRO diagnosis will be assigned a service package based on their individual level of need (LON) MRO (Medicaid Rehabilitation Option)
21 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Importance of Verifying Eligibility –It is important that providers verify member eligibility on the date of service –Viewing a Hoosier Healthwise card alone does not ensure member eligibility –If a provider fails to verify eligibility on the date of service, the provider risks claim denial –Claim denial could result if the member was not eligible on the date of service –If the member is not eligible for Medicaid on the date of service, the member can be billed If retroactive eligibility is later established, the provider must bill the IHCP and refund any payment made to the provider by the member
22 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 MRO Inquiry –Providers can view past and present MRO service packages on the MRO Inquiry window –MRO service packages are not assigned to the provider that requested the package –The services belong to the member, which allows a member to seek treatment from more then one community mental health center (CMHC) at any time
23 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 MRO Covered Services –The following services are covered: Behavioral Health Counseling and Therapy (Individual and Group setting) Behavioral Health Level of Need Redetermination Case Management Psychiatric Assessment and Intervention Adult Intensive Rehabilitative Services (AIRS) Child and Adolescent Intensive Resiliency Service (CAIRS) Intensive Outpatient Treatment (IOT) Addiction Counseling (Individual and Group setting) Peer Recovery Services Skills Training and Development (Individual and Group setting) Medication Training and Support (Individual and Group setting) Crisis Intervention –Reminder: Do not use mid-level modifiers when billing for MRO services
Describe Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF)
25 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 What is a psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF)? –A facility licensed as a private, secure facility under 465 IAC 2-11 Private secure facility – a locked living unit of an institution for gravely disabled children with chronic behavior that harms themselves or others –A facility accredited by one of the following: The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations The Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
26 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Covered Services –The IHCP reimburses for services provided to children younger than 21 years of age –The IHCP requires PA for admission to a PRTF Patient must show need for long-term treatment modalities See Chapter 6 of the IHCP Provider Manual for details –Medical leave days ordered by a physician are reimbursed at 50 percent for as many as four days per admission, unless the occupancy rate is less than 90 percent –Therapeutic leave days ordered by a physician are reimbursed at 50 percent, for as many as 14 days per calendar year, unless the occupancy rate is less than 90 percent Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
27 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities Billing –PRTF services are billed on the CMS-1500 claim form using the following procedure codes: T2048 – Per Diem T2048 U1 – Medical Leave T2048 U2 – Therapeutic Leave –One unit equals a 24-hour day of care (midnight to midnight) –PRTF services are reimbursed on a per diem, which includes: All IHCP-covered psychiatric services performed in a PRTF All IHCP-covered services not related to the psychiatric condition that are performed at the PRTF
28 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Noncovered services –PRTF services remain carved out of RBMC The MCE retains responsibility for services outside the PRTF including transportation, pharmacy, and other related healthcare services –The PRTF per diem does not include: Pharmaceutical supplies Non-psychiatric physician services not available at the PRTF Physician and HSPP services provided at the PRTF Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
29 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Patient liability –Some residents of PRTF and State hospitals are assigned a patient liability The patient liability must be paid to the facility by the member each month –IndianaAIM systematically deducts the patient liability during claims processing Providers can identify the patient liability deduction on the Remittance Advice Explanation of benefits (EOB) 2014 claim adjusted by the monthly Medicaid patient liability amount Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities
30 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Recipient ineligible on the date(s) of service due to enrollment in a managed care organization –Providers billing psychiatric services for members residing in a PRTF that are receiving Edit 2017 are instructed to send their claims for special handling to: HP Provider Written Correspondence Unit P. O. Box 7263 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7263 Edit 2017
Explain Partial Hospitalization
32 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Partial Hospitalization –Partial hospital (PH) programs are highly intensive, time-limited medical services intended to either provide a transition from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization to community-based care or, in some cases, substitute for an inpatient admission, per 405 IAC 5-20-8(4) –Admission criteria for a PH program are essentially the same as for the inpatient level of care, with the exception that the patient does not require 24-hour nursing supervision Patients must have the ability to reliably control themselves for safety Patients with clear intent to seriously harm self or others are not candidates for partial hospitalization –The program is highly individualized with treatment goals that are measureable, functional, time framed, medically necessary, and directly related to the reason for admission
33 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Partial Hospitalization –Providers must contact the health plan at the time of admission to a partial hospital program to provide notification of admission Services will be authorized for up to five days, depending on the patient’s condition Reauthorization criteria will be applied to stays that exceed five days –Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code S0201, Partial Hospitalization Services, less than 24 hours, per diem, must be used The current reimbursement rate is $219.86 –Services must be provided at least four to six hours each day for at least four days of that week –Acute partial hospitalization is not an MRO service –The IHCP requires that third-party insurance, including commercial carriers and Medicare, be billed prior to submission of the claim to Medicaid
34 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Partial Hospitalization Limitations and Restrictions –Prior authorization is required for S0201 –Providers will be audited to ensure they are providing an average of six hours per day for S0201 –One unit allowed per date of service –Inpatient and MRO services are not reimbursable on the same date as S0201 –Physician services and prescription drugs are reimbursed separately from S0201 –Service must be provided at least four days per week
Detail Mental Health Drug – Prior Authorization
36 Mental HealthOctober 2011 Prior Authorization for “Brand Medically Necessary” Mental Health Drug Prescriptions As of July 1, 2011, prior authorization (PA) is required for a prescriber’s specification of “brand medically necessary” for a mental health drug – Mental health drugs consist of anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, anxiolytics, and cross-indicated drugs as defined in Indiana statute – The requirement applies to prescriptions written on or after July 1, 2011 – The requirement applies to new prescriptions as well as refill prescriptions – Pharmacy claims cannot be paid without the required prior authorization Pharmacy benefit PA can be obtained by contacting – Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) Clinical Call Center 1-866-879-0106 Toll free phone number 1-800-780-2198 FAX number Pharmacy Benefit PA forms are located on the Indiana Medicaid web site Pharmacy provider should follow the “emergency supply” procedures for instances in which a PA cannot be immediately obtained Refer to BT201111 for specific details on BMN PA procedures
Learn Risk-Based Managed Care (RBMC)
38 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Risk-Based Managed Care –Services that are the responsibility of the MCEs: Office visits with a mental health diagnosis Services ordered by a provider enrolled in a mental health specialty, but provided by a nonmental health specialty, such as a laboratory and radiology Mental health services provided in an acute care hospital Inpatient stays in an acute care hospital or freestanding psychiatric facility for treatment of substance abuse or chemical dependency
39 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Risk-Based Managed Care –Services provided to RBMC members by the following specialty types are the responsibility of the MCEs: Freestanding Psychiatric Hospital (011) Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (110) Community Mental Health Center (111) Psychologist (112) Certified Psychologist (113) HSPP (114) Certified Clinical Social Worker (115) Certified Social Worker (116) Psychiatric Nurse (117) Psychiatrist (339)
40 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Risk-Based Managed Care –MCEs Anthem Managed Health Services (MHS) MDwise –Behavioral Health Organizations (BHO) Anthem Cenpatico (MHS) MDwise
Deny Common Denials for Mental Health
42 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Edit 5001 Exact Duplicate –Cause When the claim being processed is an exact duplicate of a claim(s) on the history file in a paid status –Resolution Review claim(s) submitted to identify claim in paid status Review Claims Inquiry on Web interChange Review past-dated Remittance Advices
43 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Edit 2502 Recipient Covered by Medicare B or D (no/attachment) –Cause Recipient is covered by Medicare B; claim was submitted without Medicare EOB –Resolution Submit Medicare EOB Verify information on claim matches with Medicare EOB Verify claim was paid by Medicare and not denied; if so, the claim will need to be submitted as a Medicaid primary with a copy of the Medicare EOB to show the denial
44 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Edit 6900 Outpatient Mental Health Services more than 20 per rolling calendar year without PA –Cause If more than 20 psychiatric services (90801-90815, 90846-90857, 96151-96151, 96152-96155, 96567-96567, and 99091-99091) are billed by the same provider (billing and/or rendering) for the same recipient, per rolling 12-month period –Resolution Obtain PA for services in excess of 20 per rolling 12-month period
45 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Edit 0512 Claim Past Filing Limit –Cause Claim was billed more than 365 days after the date of service –Resolution Provider will need to submit proof of filing with each claim submission to show claim was originally filed within the filing time line For a detailed listing of approved filing documentation please refer to the IHCP Provider Manual, Chapter 10, Section 5 under Past the Filing Limit Documentation
46 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Edit 2017 Recipient Ineligible on Date(s) of Service Due to Enrollment in a Managed Care Entity –Cause Recipient is enrolled in an MCE –Resolution Check eligibility to obtain the MCE in which the member is enrolled Bill claim to the MCE in which the recipient is enrolled
Find Help Resources Available
48 Mental Health IndustryOctober 2011 Helpful Tools –IHCP Web site at –IHCP Provider Manual –MRO Provider Manual 405 IAC 5-20 (Mental Health Services) 405 IAC 5-21 (Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Services) 405 IAC 5-21.5 (Medicaid Rehabilitation Option Services) –Customer Assistance 1-800-577-1278 toll-free (317) 655-3240 in the Indianapolis local area –HP Written Correspondence at the following address: HP Written Correspondence P.O. Box 7263 Indianapolis, IN 46207-7263 –Provider Relations Field Consultants
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