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UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Quantitative assessment of wind storms and extreme extra- tropical cyclones under climate.

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Presentation on theme: "UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Quantitative assessment of wind storms and extreme extra- tropical cyclones under climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Quantitative assessment of wind storms and extreme extra- tropical cyclones under climate change Gregor C. Leckebusch Special Thanks to: M. Donat, D. Renggli, T. Kruschke, K. Nissen, P. Lorenz, T. Pardowitz, U. Ulbrich Institute of Meteorology Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

2 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch 0) Outline Introduction to extra-tropical cyclones Gaussian and Lagrange Perspective of Cyclonic Activity Recent climate conditions Anthropogenic Climate Change Objective Wind Storm Identification Extreme Value Analysis Anthropogenic Climate Change Summary

3 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch 1.Introduction Extra-tropical Cyclones: Crucial part of atmospheric circulation; Highly relevant for energy transports Objective Measure of its strengths? How to deduce information about potential changes of these extreme events? Which processes influence the variability of cyclone occurrence?

4 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Cyclone & storm ~Months ~Days SST, NAO, snow Growths factors for cyclones latent heat Divergence Baroclinicity Adapted fromLutgens & Tarbuck (Eds., 2007) ECMWF Forecast for 20.05.2010 00 UTC Geopotential 500 hPa Potential Sources of Variability ~Decades AMM, PNA, AMO, ENSO ~ Centenial Anthropogenic Change 1.Introduction

5 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch MSLP: Stormtrack Ulbrich et al., 2008 J. Climate 2. Gaussian Perspective NCEP-NCAR, 1961-2000 23 AOGCM Ensemble

6 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Ulbrich, Pinto, Kupfer, Leckebusch, Spangehl, Reyers (2008), J Climate 1000 hPa Stormtrack: ACC-Signal (SRES A1B) 2. Gaussian Perspective

7 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch ERA40 Re-analysis: Track density Winter (ONDJFM), ALL Systems Ensemble Mean: Track density Winter (ONDJFM), ALL Systems Unit: Systems per winter 1961-2000 2. Lagrange Perspective: Cyclone Tracks

8 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch A1B Climate Change Signal All Systems 2. Lagrange Perspective: Cyclone Tracks

9 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Definition: Extreme Cyclone Systems Systems with a Laplacian of MSLP ( ) above the 95 th percentile, i.e. only the upper 5% of the distribution are recognised here NCEP or ERA40 re-analysis: most of the historical relevant winter storms are included (as far as storms are resolved by re-analysis data) 2. Lagrange Perspective: Cyclone Tracks

10 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch A1B Climate Change Signal Strong Systems Weighting via: W Weight: W 2 Weight: W 4 For the region of e.g. NE Atlantic: ca. 10-20% increase 2. Lagrange Perspective: Cyclone Tracks Leckebusch et al., 2008b

11 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Cyclone Intensity (Laplacian of MSLP) for ALL Systems: 2. Lagrange Perspective: Cyclone Tracks

12 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch European Storm Cyclones ERA40, 1961-2000 Change Signal GCM-Ensemble cyclone track density intensity of storm cyclones Max.Wind speed during storm days (Donat, Leckebusch et al., 2010a) Isolines: Inter-model std.-dev 2. Lagrange Perspective: Cyclone Tracks

13 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Introduction of an objective Storm Severity Index (SSI) (cf. Leckebusch et al., 2008) 98th Percentile (ONDJFM) m/s Event Tracking: related to impacts 3. Wind storms: Identification

14 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Generalized Pareto Distribution ξ : shape σ : scale μ : shift Probability density function (pdf) Containing 3 families of tail distributions Rotated Weibull (with upper bound)ξ < 0 Gumbel (no bound, exponential decay of pdf) ξ = 0 Fréchet (no upper bound, polynomial decay of pdf)ξ > 0 e.g. Coles, An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values (2001) 3. Wind storms:3. Wind storms: EVA

15 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch All tracks are considered, which have at least one track point within the according region: NORTH-EUROPE (NO-EU) NORTH-WEST-EUROPE (NW-EU) SOUTH-EUROPE (SO-EU) NO NW SO 3. Wind storms: EVA

16 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Threshold selection: On average 1 event per year and model: = 1024 storms  SSI threshold: 11.19 Percentage of events from single model contribution to the ensemble Extreme value analysis: Ensemble composition and threshold % SSI-Threshold Region: NW-EU

17 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Total numbers of events in each 30 year period ENSEMBLES Multi-model ensemble in A1B scenario Region: NW-EU Model composition for each 30 year period Events: SSI > 11.19 3. Wind storms: EVA

18 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch 2069-2098 1971-2000 Return Level of a 50-year Event Region: NO-Europe EVA: stationary & non-stationary model ENSEMBLES Multi-model ensemble in A1B scenario Region: NW-EU 3. Wind storms: EVA

19 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch RegionRL5RL10RL25RL50RL100 NO- EUROPE +53%+59%+67%+73%+79% NW- EUROPE +13%+14%+15% +16% SO- EUROPE -19%-27%-36%-43%-49% Relative changes of Return Levels by 2098 compared to 1971 Trends (non-stationary model) Red: statistical significant on 95% level 3. Wind storms: EVA

20 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch ECHAM5-OM1: 3x30 Years of 20C climate conditions Germany !!! 3. Wind storms: EVA

21 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch 2011- 2040 2041- 2070 2071- 2100 Results based on 3 x 30 year simulation (ECHAM5-OM1) SRES A1B scenario Region: Germany 3. Wind storms: EVA

22 UNESCO Extreme Meeting, Paris, 27.-29.9.2010 G.C. Leckebusch Different methods to assess the potential anthropogenic changes in synoptic cyclone behaviour were applied or newly developed Stormtrack: A 23 MME reveals significant increase at the downstream end of the climatological storm track over the North-Atlantic under ACC conditions Cyclone tracks: ACC: Reduction in the number of all cyclones on an hemispheric scale Increase in frequency of severe cyclones in winter in certain “hotspots”, e.g. Northeast-Atlantic Extreme Value Analysis identifies changes in the statistical properties of the frequency of severe wind storms 4. Summary

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