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Mathematicians By: Ethan brown. Aryabhatta While Europe was in its early Dark Age, Aryabhatta advanced arithmetic, algebra, elementary analysis, and especially.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematicians By: Ethan brown. Aryabhatta While Europe was in its early Dark Age, Aryabhatta advanced arithmetic, algebra, elementary analysis, and especially."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematicians By: Ethan brown

2 Aryabhatta While Europe was in its early Dark Age, Aryabhatta advanced arithmetic, algebra, elementary analysis, and especially trigonometry, using the decimal system. Aryabhatta is sometimes called the father of algebra. He was among the ancient scholars who realized the earth rotated daily on an axis.

3 Aryabhatta He was born in a place called Taregana

4 Aryabhatta It is fairly certain that at some point he, went to Kusumapura for advanced studies and lived ther some to.

5 Picture

6 Leonhard Euler Leonard was born in 1707. His father was Paul Euler. Euler wrote an immense number of memoirs on all kinds of mathematical subjects. He went to school at Basel and during the time he was there he lived with his grandmother on his mothers side.

7 Leonhard Euler In 1723 he completed his master’s degree in philosophy. He also served as a medical lieutenant in the Russian navy from 1727 to 1730. By 1740 he had a very high reputation, having won the Grand Prize of the Paris Academy in 1738 and 1740.

8 Leonhard During the twenty-five years spent in berlin, Euler wrote around 380 articles. After his death in 1783 the St Petersburg Academy continued to publish Euler’s unpublished work for nearly 50 more years.

9 Leonhard The publication of many articles and a book called mechanica. In 1733 it was Euler who was appointed to this senior chair of mathematics.

10 Euler Maupertuis was the president of the Berlin Academ. Maupertuis and Leonhard became two great friends.

11 Picture of him

12 Sofia Kovalevskaya Sofia Kovalevskaya was initially self- taught she was born in Moscow, Russia on January 15 th 1850. She died on February 10 th 1981 in Stockholm, Sweden. She was the middle child.

13 Sofia She was attracted to mathematics. Her father put stop to her mathematics lessons. She was forced to marry so the she could go abroad to enter higher education. In 1871 she moved to berlin.

14 Sofia In 1878 she gave birth to a daughter. Her last published work was a short article.

15 Picture of her

16 The end

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