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2011 Census Outputs Plans and Progress. CONTENTS Aims for 2011 Census Outputs Strategy Development User Consultation Next Steps.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Census Outputs Plans and Progress. CONTENTS Aims for 2011 Census Outputs Strategy Development User Consultation Next Steps."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Census Outputs Plans and Progress

2 CONTENTS Aims for 2011 Census Outputs Strategy Development User Consultation Next Steps

3 Aims for 2011 Outputs Outputs free at point of delivery Dissemination Methods and media in line with Technological developments Online flexible table generation Online Mapping and graphing of user defined outputs Use of APIs Extended 2001/2011 Comparisons Pre-release Outputs prospectus and timetable Concurrent release of UK wide statistics Joined up and comparable UK outputs Meet EU regulation requirements Research access to Microdata AIMS not yet COMMITMENTS

4 Current Progress Project at an early stage with work currently focused on finalising plans, considering delivery options and forming strategy Census Day 27.03.2011 Outputs 2008200920102011201220132014 Outputs strategy signed off Quality Assurance Dissemination systems built, populated with 2001 data User consultation concludes

5 Strategy Development

6 Aim of Strategy To translate Outputs Project aims into a clear vision for the project To set out the key decisions/products for the project and the options for delivering these. We will not have all the answers but will know what we need to answer To set out the approach to be taken in delivering the products and ultimately meeting the vision. To be used as A basis on which to drive forward the project. A mechanisms for communication.

7 Scope of strategy Encompasses all aspects of 2011 Census Outputs Including but not limited to Dissemination Mechanisms and Services Timescales and mechanisms for User consultation Intentions for partnership working with associated options Options for Charging and funding approach Options for extent of and facilities for microdata Metadata strategy And much more………

8 Key Decision Points Various Key decision points have been identified including Decision PointIndicative date Agree Disclosure Control methodSummer 2009 What dissemination Mechanisms will be used?Summer 2009 Approach for data linkage and exploitation (Analytical Uses)Summer 2009 What geographic hierarchies will we support? (OA / SOA, Ward/ LA)Spring 2010 Extent of Partnership workingSpring 2010 Which Population Bases will be used?Spring 2010 What extent of Data visualisation (e.g. Mapping)?Spring 2010 What commentary and analysis needed?Spring 2010 What safe setting environment is needed for micro data?Summer 2010 What Charging Model will be applied?Summer 2010 What dissemination services will be provided?Summer 2010

9 Strategy Delivery Progress Work is well underway Heavy focus on planning Identification of Project Milestones and Work Packages Identification of Key deliverables Identification of Options Identification of dependencies Identification of potential solutions On target to finalise in June 2009

10 User Consultation

11 Consultation Aims To consult widely with all users of Census Data to ensure views of as broad a group as possible are sought, collated and considered. Existing Advisory and Working Groups Hard to reach groups Collaboration across 3 Census Offices to provide consultation web site where users views can be debated in an open forum

12 User Consultation Detailed planning underway to complete June 2009 Formal consultation to commence in September and finish Spring/Summer 2010 Consultation mechanisms reflect different needs of different user communities. Including Established methods Direct Engagement Advisory groups Working Groups Roadshows New approaches Web Page Blogs and Wikkis New role for Regional Statisticians

13 Consultation method by User type (1) Consultation Process PrimarySecondaryCOUNT USERAdvisory groups working groups Direct consulta tion Road shows Web page blogs and wikki s Regional Statisticians European Union x 1 Parliament x 1 The ONS x 1 Central Government xx x x 4 General Public x xxx4 Local Government xx x xxx6

14 Consultation method by User type (2) Consultation Process PrimarySecondaryCOUNT USER Advis ory group s working groups Direct consultatio n Road shows Web page blogs and wikki s Regional Statisticians Heath Service Administrators xx x xxx6 Academics and educational community xx x xxx6 Charities and the voluntary sector xx x xxx6 Interested groups/ minority groups xx x xxx6 Commercial organisations and businesses xx x xxx6

15 Consultation Topics Consultation Topics will include Content Geography Delivery Mechanisms Visualisation Requirements Funding and Charging Policy Uses of Microdata Disclosure Control

16 User Consultation Progress to date Detailed planning for user consultation is underway Key dates identified Consultation groups and mechanisms identified Consultation approach identified Scope of consultation identified Being drawn together into User Consultation Strategy A number of events have been held including Autumn 2008 Roadshows 2011 Census Outputs Working Group Ad hoc events Ongoing consultation via Wikkis and blogs Round of Census Advisory Groups commences in May

17 Next Steps

18 During May and June 2011 Census Outputs Project will continue to finalise Strategy and delivery and consultation plans From June onwards Implementation of strategy Development of systems for storage, aggregation and dissemination of data Progressing work to address key decisions. and much more…….

19 Thank you Questions ?

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