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The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Barry Stalker Scottish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Barry Stalker Scottish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey Barry Stalker Scottish Government

2 Content The SCVS 2006 –Brief overview –Publications & data The new SCJS –Overview of design –Coverage –Reporting –Data access/User group –Capacity building

3 Scottish Crime & Victimisation Survey 2006 Pre-selected sample, representative of (private households) in Scotland Fieldwork June – December 2007 4,988 achieved interviews Face-to-face, CAPI/CASI Victim Form: fixed recall period, financial year 2005-06

4 Scottish Crime & Victimisation Survey 2006 Publications –Main report (27 Sept 07) –Drug prevalence report (27 Sept 07) –Domestic abuse report (27 Nov 07) – bs/CriminalJustice bs/CriminalJustice Data –now in ESDS archive (with Technical Report)

5 Scottish Crime & Justice Survey Design Pre-selected sample, representative at Scotland and Police Force Area level Face-to-face, CAPI/CASI Target sample of 16,000 interviews per annum Continuous fieldwork (/rolling vf reference period) Modularisation of questionnaire

6 Scottish Crime & Justice Survey Coverage Victim Form (based on BCS but following Scots Criminal Law) Fear of Crime Scottish Criminal Justice system –Police; Procurator Fiscal; Community sentences & prisons Illicit drug prevalence Domestic abuse/sexual victimisation

7 Scottish Crime & Justice Survey Reporting Standard publications –Main report; Drug Prevalence; Domestic Abuse/Sexual Victimisation – late summer 2009; 2010… Briefing papers –Potential for specific ad hoc papers on issues of policy interest –Conducted in-house/by SCCJR-CJ Quest

8 Scottish Crime & Justice Survey Data access/user group Data access –Non-disclosive dataset – ESDS autumn 2009; 2010… –SG data access panel for potentially disclosive data (in development) SCJS User group –Forum for engagement with users external to SG? –Includes public sector organisations & academia?

9 Scottish Crime & Justice Survey Capacity building Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research (SCCJR): CJ Quest Funding 1 PhD studentship, through ESRC joint funded PhD scheme –The experience of victims –Includes 1 month placement with SG –In development (to be confirmed) Also support coverage of SCJS in MSc Social Research methods course at Edinburgh University

10 Scottish Crime & Victimisation Survey 2006 Any questions?

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