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Adventures in Authentication Ian Upton. Introduction the BUILDER model our authentication needs LDAP / NDS Talis conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Adventures in Authentication Ian Upton. Introduction the BUILDER model our authentication needs LDAP / NDS Talis conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adventures in Authentication Ian Upton

2 Introduction the BUILDER model our authentication needs LDAP / NDS Talis conclusions

3 The BUILDER Model ? login session dynamic pages

4 The BUILDER Model Fred Bloggs Undergraduate Student Department of History Wallet login session dynamic pages

5 Our Authentication Needs a member of our institution status department BUILDER string holding Athens on users behalf

6 BUILDER WEB SERVER Our Authentication Needs BUILDER SQL lots of work to set up lots of work to maintain is a duplication

7 BUILDER WEB SERVER Our Authentication Needs Existing System initial set up maintenance free no duplication

8 BUILDER WEB SERVER Our Authentication Needs Talis library system based on UID NDS campus network system based on campus login

9 LDAP / NDS campus network is Novell we are installing an NDS ‘tree’ everything / everyone in the tree can be queried using LDAP meets BUILDER’s needs

10 LDAP / NDS Infrastructure Issues security reliability needs confidence

11 LDAP / NDS installation issues NT perl versions and DLL libraries test system blues no go without SSL reliant on completion of tree eg: no access in medical school

12 LDAP / NDS Where are we TODAY? proved the technology works NT / Perl / Libraries test system in place developing the web front end confidence testing 20 person days so far still a long way to go

13 Talis library system is BLCMP Talis BUILDER developing toolbox all key members of institution pre- registered with Talis authentication tool ‘fell out’! meets BUILDER’s needs

14 Talis infrastructure issues none installation issues none that had not been previously solved by other toolbox functions errors in Talis data appearing

15 Talis Where are we TODAY? authentication is in use electronic short loan exam paper database (shortly) test use by other bham web site developing BUILDER string 4 person days so far

16 Conclusions looked at BUILDER Needs LDAP / NDS Talis

17 Conclusion NDS / LDAP standards based sledgehammer to crack a nut! useful in longer term Talis simple solution that works limited in longer term


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