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An Introduction to the International Classroom Program Presented by Brittany Carlino and Amy McGregor.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to the International Classroom Program Presented by Brittany Carlino and Amy McGregor."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to the International Classroom Program Presented by Brittany Carlino and Amy McGregor

2 What is it? At its most basic, the International Classroom is a cultural exchange between Denmark’s Helsingør Gymnasium and Great Valley High School ▫Students spend 10 days in each country with host families. The program focuses on experiencing and comparing academic, cultural, and social aspects of society Program is in its 15 th year!!

3 Application and Acceptance Process Application form due by Wednesday, September 28 Candidate interviews Wednesday Oct. 5 and Thursday Oct. 6 ▫All applicants MUST sign up for an interview slot ▫Should be during a study hall/campus or lunch. ▫If you must leave an academic class (including an elective), you must provide a signature ahead of time indicating you’ve spoken with the teacher and cleared it

4 Application and Acceptance Process (cont) Acceptance Committee considers ▫Teacher input ▫Discipline ▫Attendance ▫Grades Letters are sent to the student home with decisions First meeting with both accepted students and parents on Wednesday, Oct. 26

5 Program Meetings and Dates: 9 Wednesday evening classes scheduled from Oct. 26 through mid-February ▫Two with parents (in preparation for GV departure and Dane arrival) GV kids in Denmark: Depart Wednesday., Feb. 29, return Sat., March 10. ▫Please note this change; the website dates were incorrect! Danes in the States Wed., March 21 through Fri., March 30.

6 Partners and Hosting All those sending a GV student have the honor of hosting a Dane. Will be expected to offer 3 hots and a cot… ▫The Danes know that they are responsible for all recreational costs while here. Any other incidentals that you wish to provide would be your choice. Gender preference While in Denmark, the drinking age is 16. Students are not permitted to drink.

7 Class Content Skywards printouts collected weekly During the nightly meetings, students will be expected to learn both English and S.S. Components ▫There will be assignments that go with the course ▫This is a class worth.5 credits and is awarded a letter grade Missed classes must be confirmed in advance

8 During the Exchange A rigorous itinerary that takes mature individuals, it is not just for those who want to take a trip! While in Denmark, students miss 8 days of class ▫Students are responsible for getting and making up all missed work While hosting Danes in US, students will miss 2 days as well as other classes for lectures, guest speakers, and projects.

9 Closing Remarks: Academic Accountability What it means to be an Ambassador Trust

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