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The Spread of Chinese Civilization: Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

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1 The Spread of Chinese Civilization: Japan, Korea, and Vietnam
Chapter 13 The Spread of Chinese Civilization: Japan, Korea, and Vietnam

2 Korean & Vietnamese Relationship to China
Periods of cultural exchange were strongest during the expansive phase of Chinese dynasties. Satellite civilizations were able to win independence and reject Chinese models during the eras of civil disruption between dynastic governments.

3 Korea The conquests of Vietnam and Korea first occurred during Han times. Koreans into the twentieth century had to accept Chinese political dominance and pay a tribute influenced by Chinese art, writing, Confucian bureaucracy, and commercial practices and goods. Korea gained independence in the early Tang period after the collapse of the Sui

4 Vietnamese Relationship to China
was under Chinese rule from Han times to the tenth century. Confucian bureaucracy was dominated by the aristocracy Chinese agricultural and military organization were followed. The impact of Chinese culture separated the Vietnamese from the more Indianized indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia Vietnam won independence after the fall of the Tang.

5 Japan Imperial Families Heian era Rise of the shogun
Taika Reforms to make Imperial family absolute most people worked as farmers on land the government owned farmers paid taxes to the government and provided labor, including service in the government's small armies Heian era The male heads of noble families assisted the emperor by administering the government, collecting tax revenues, maintaining small armies, and judging legal disputes. These officials earned generous incomes and lived in large mansions in the capital city. Rise of the shogun Military government established in 1192 began to influence both the imperial government and the private estates

6 Samurai Mounted warriors Observed bushido (way of the warrior)

7 Cultural Political Social International
____ is sooo China! Cultural Political Social International

8 Cultural Political Social International
Japan v. China Cultural Political Social International

9 Japanese Relationship to China
Of the three regions, Japan is the least affected by internal Chinese developments; it never was part of the Chinese empire and was able to accept or reject Chinese influences. The growing authority of regional warlords in Japan led to a reduction in Chinese cultural influence since it was linked to the central government and Confucian bureaucracy.

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