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The Institute For People’s Enlightenment Ltd. The Institute was Incorporated as a Non-Profit Company on June 08, 2004 under the Companies Act No. 35 1994.

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Presentation on theme: "The Institute For People’s Enlightenment Ltd. The Institute was Incorporated as a Non-Profit Company on June 08, 2004 under the Companies Act No. 35 1994."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Institute For People’s Enlightenment Ltd. The Institute was Incorporated as a Non-Profit Company on June 08, 2004 under the Companies Act No. 35 1994 STRATEGIC PLAN 2006 –2012APPROVED APRIL 08, 2006

3 THE INSTITUTE ‘S STRATEGIC PLAN 2006 -2012 Quotes “We all need lots of powerful long-range goals to help us past the short-term obstacles” “The establishment of a clear, central purpose or goal in life is the starting point of all success” “Committing your goals to paper increases the likelihood of your achieving them by one-thousand percent”

4 Development of the Institute

5 Development of Institute

6 Julien Fédon Scholars


8 Goal statements 1. Commitment to Enlightenment 2. Commitment to Members 3. Commitment to Independence 4. Commitment to Excellence and Integrity 5. Commitment to Stakeholders

9 Goal statement Commitment to Enlightenment is the reason why we exist. We are dedicated to the development and implementation of programmes, activities and initiatives that result in the enlightenment of all people

10 Goal statement Commitment to Members We are committed to developing a learning organization. We are committed to providing the environment and opportunity for members to have authorship and personal satisfaction in their accomplishments while making the development of self as well as others a priority.

11 Goal statement Commitment to Members We are committed to ensuring that there is no discrimination against our members or anyone on the basis of gender, religion, race, conscience and political affiliation or outlook.

12 Goal statement Commitment to Independence We are committed to being a non- partisan organization and dedicated to preserving the collective will, interest and independence of the Institute

13 Goal statement Commitment to Excellence and Integrity We are committed to the quest for excellence in the quality of work we do and the quality of the relationships we maintain. We are committed to conduct our affairs in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards. We are committed to communicating in an honest, factual and accurate manner. We are dedicated to the prudent management of all the financial resources entrusted to us.

14 Goal statement Commitment to Stakeholders We believe that our success will come from our dedication to excellence and continually exceeding the expectations of our stakeholders.

15 Strategy statement The Institute will develop networks, partnerships and general collaboration with individuals and organizations, while at all times pursuing a non- partisan approach in its work and community involvement. It will make the best use of modern technology to ensure that its methods are creative and innovative

16 Programme Areas 1. Membership & Organizational Development 2. Marketing 3. History and Heritage Preservation 4. Research, Information Gathering & Sharing Programme 5. Public Education & Community Outreach 6. Finance & Business Enterprise Development/Fund Raising

17 Long term objectives 1. To have an integrated membership & organizational development programme by 2011 2. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan by 2008 3. Develop an integrated historical and heritage preservation programme by 2011 4. Complete a comprehensive research, information and publication agenda by 2009 5. Develop a comprehensive Public Education & community outreach programme by Last Quarter 2007 6. Develop an integrated enterprise & fund raising plan by 4 th quarter 2008

18 Key results areas Membership & Organizational Development LTO: To have an integrated membership & organizational development programme by 2011 Secretariat Strategic Plan Advisory Committee Round Table & Membership development Website Educational & Cultural Exchange

19 Key results areas Marketing LTO: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan by 2008 Website Proposal & Plan Marketing Concept Paper Marketing plan Public Relations Programme Radio & TV programme Newsletter & Magazine Publication

20 Key results areas History and Heritage Preservation LTO: Develop an integrated historical and heritage preservation programme by 2011 Revolution Exhibit & Museum Project Annual History & Heritage Seminar & Consultation Honors & Awards Programme Site Mapping Project Grenada Handbook Project Records & Site Preservation Project History & Heritage Partnerships Heritage & History Memory Bank

21 Key results areas Research, Information Gathering & Sharing Programme LTO: Complete a comprehensive research, information and publication agenda by 2009 Research Consultations & Seminars Research Concept Paper Research Unit Periodic Publications

22 Key results areas Public Education & Community Outreach LTO: Develop a comprehensive Public Education & community outreach programme by Last Quarter 2007 Annual March 13 th Commemorative Lecture Annual Julien Fédon Memorial Programme Annual Emancipation Programme Patios Revival Programme Develop Community Outreach Proposal Mark National & International Days

23 Key results areas FINANCE & BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Development/Fund Raising LTO: Develop an integrated enterprise & fund raising plan by 4 th quarter 2008 Heritage Evening & Fund Raising Event Overseas fund raising tour Hero’s Production Enterprise Proposal

24 Operational plan 2006 First Quarter Strategic Plan March 13 th Programme Marketing Concept Paper Heritage Evening & Fund Raising Event

25 Operational plan 2006 Second Quarter Membership Round Tables Website Proposal & Plan Public Relations Programme Fédon Memorial Programme

26 Operational plan 2006 Third Quarter Secretariat Advisory Committee Honors & Awards Programme Emancipation Programme History & Heritage Partnerships

27 Operational plan 2006 Fourth Quarter Hero’s Production Enterprise Proposal National & International Days Heritage & history memory Bank

28 Organizational Structure

29 Directors & Working committees Each Director to lead a programme area Lead sub-committees Members to volunteer

30 Strategy for Implementation Establish Secretariat Develop projects Seek project financing Partnership & sponsorship Outsourcing contracts Establish enterprises

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