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Fairhope Elementary School Class Picture Goes in this Section 2010-2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Fairhope Elementary School Class Picture Goes in this Section 2010-2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fairhope Elementary School Class Picture Goes in this Section 2010-2011

2 Qualifications. BS and MA in Early Childhood Education 16 years experience teaching K, 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd grades in several states including Tennessee, Arkansas, Oregon, Alabama

3 Family. Joe (husband) Anna (daughter) 9 th grader at FHS Katherine (daughter) 7 th grader at FMS

4 Drop off at gym. I will pick the children up at gym at 7:40. We will begin working as soon as we get to our room. If your child doesn’t make it to school until 8:00, he/she has already missed one activity.

5 Bring home daily Front folder is for completed homework Organizers are in the center End pocket is for behavior form Must be signed each evening by parent Work and any notes will be sent home in back pocket of folder. This should be removed & reviewed each evening. Folder should be returned each morning empty unless lunch, snack, or field trip money is turned in. Folder should be returned each morning empty unless lunch, snack, or field trip money is turned in. Also, any notes should be written in or sent in this folder.

6 - Child’s Name - Amount of Money - What it is for - Teacher’s Name - PIN Number

7 All checks must have phone number and 911 address Included at top!

8 To help children achieve their potential and become independent thinkers. To provide a fun and supportive classroom environment. To help your child make new friends and discover new interests.

9 DAILY SCHEDULE 7:45 - 8:00 Opening Activities Monday Library 8:00 - 8:40 P.E. Tuesday Art/Music 8:45 - 9:25 Enrichments Wednesday 9:30 - 10:45 Reading Block Thursday 11:00 - 11:25 Lunch Friday 11:30 - 12:00 Language Arts 12:00 - 12:30 Reading Intervention/Writing 12:30 - 1:30 Math 1:30 - 1:45 Break 1:45 - 2:15 Science 2:15 - 2:45 Social Studies Dismissal

10 Reading Spelling Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Technology PE Music and Art The subjects we cover during second grade include: Reading Spelling Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Technology PE Music and Art

11 Reading Text – Scott-Foresman Series We will use the Scott-Foresman Series along with ARI reading techniques focusing on phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Children will be involved with literature on their instructional reading levels. Vocabulary and spelling words will be sent home weekly Please encourage your child to read 15 minutes every night.

12 Monthly Book Projects September -Fantasy Fiction Book Project(Fantasy Fiction) – Sandwich Report October - Mysteries Book Project (Mysteries) - Story Skeleton November – Traditional Fiction Book Project (Traditional Fiction) Character Coat Hanger January - Poetry Book Project (Poetry) - February - Biography Book Project (Biography) – Wax Museum March - Realistic Fiction Book Project (Realistic Fiction) – Cereal Box April - Informational Book Project (Informational) – Diaroma or Poster

13 The AR program offers students an opportunity to read stories from texts based on their individual reading levels which will be determined by the STAR Reading Evaluation. STAR evaluations are given twice per year. AR points are earned by passing a comprehension test after the book is read.AR points are earned by passing a comprehension test after the book is read. In order to receive points, 85% or above must be scored on comprehension.

14 Dibels and STAR Testing are given three times per year and focuses on reading vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. These evaluations give me additional data about your child’s reading progress. Beginning of 2 nd grade: 44 words Mid-year: 68 words End of 2 nd Grade: 90 words

15 Spelling words will come from our reading series. We will have 15-18 words and 3 dictation sentences on every Thursday’s test. Each week’s homework will be the same: Speller’s Choice or

16 We will learn: parts of speech punctuation proper sentences paragraph development creative writing Grading will be based on daily work, tests, and writing assignments.

17 We will be using a “hands on” manipulative program – Scott Foresman and AMSTI/Investigations. Timed practice tests will be administered daily. Please practice math facts at home! Grades will also come from math journals, and skill assessments. Math homework will be assigned Monday – Thursday. Please remember to review your child’s homework and sign it.

18 We will be using the science and social studies text and the AMSTI program for science. Investigation skills include: observations, predictions, and results. Grades will come from occasional tests, science journals, assessments and projects.

19 Handwriting practice will be included in morning work. Cursive letters will be taught Work will be graded by letter formation, spacing and neatness.

20 Technology is with Mrs. Amy Smith and takes place in the tech. lab one hour every week. Ms. Ramsey is our guidance counselor and will meet with our class every other week.

21 Music is every other week with Mrs. Whatley Art is with Mrs. Humphrey every other week.

22 PE is with Mr. Trull and Mrs. Adams daily. Please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes each day. PE is with Mr. Trull and Mrs. Adams daily. Please make sure your child wears comfortable shoes each day.

23 HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework Each night your child should complete the following assignments: 1. Spelling - Complete an activity from the Speller's Choice activities or an activity from 2. Math - Complete nightly math assignment. In addition, study math facts. 3. Reading - Read each night for 15 minutes and record time on Book It calendar.3. Reading - Read each night for 15 minutes and record time on Book It calendar.

24 Trips will be planned in advance. All fees should be paid before the due date accompanied by the parent permission slip. School T-shirts are to worn on all field trips.

25 *Monday: Sharing Sack: A small backpack has been sent home with your child to use as the “sharing sack.” Please help your child collect three special items and send it back to school with your child on Monday to share with his or her classmates. Try to encourage your child to choose items that have some sort of meaning rather than just a collection of toys. On the Star of the Week bulletin board, there is a photo holder that can display three 4 x 6 pictures. If possible, have your child pick 3 of his or her favorite pictures to display for the class. The pictures will be returned at the end of the week with no harm done. *Tuesday: Favorite Book: Your star student brings one of his or her favorite picture books to read to the class (or have the teacher read to the class) at our class meeting. *Wednesday: Parent Letter: Parents, you will write a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to school with your child, and I will read the letter to the class at class meeting. The content of the letter is up to you, but you may want to choose from one of the following ideas: describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, write a silly or serious poem about your child, tell us some neat things we may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the pictures, or write a short story with your child as the main character. *Thursday: Lunch Buddy: If possible, join your child in the cafeteria for a special lunch on this day. You may also choose to invite a sibling or a favorite relative to be your child’s lunch buddy. You can have the buddy be a surprise or let your child know ahead of time. If you are unable to make it during our lunch period, please let me know, and I will plan a special lunch for your child instead. Please let me know ahead of time if you are planning to order a school lunch so that I can place your order. Friday: Star Friends: Your star student will be presented with a friendship book created by his or her classmates. * The events planned for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday can be swapped in order to accommodate your personal schedules if you are planning to be a lunch buddy during the week. Star of the Week

26 Please review the FES Handbook online. Birthdays Birthdays – Invitations should be made to all students or mailed. Only healthy birthday treats can be served. Student Insurance Student Insurance – Good price if your child needs a policy. Snack CostLunchMilk Snack Cost - $.60 Lunch $1.75 Milk $.30 Send all checks separately PTC

27 Opening School Expense If you have not turned in you’re Opening School Expense of $50, please do so before you leave tonight.

28 The Giving Tree If you’re interested, take an apple from “The Giving Tree”. Your help is always appreciated!!!

29 I’m ready for a GREAT year!!

30 for taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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