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SOUTH KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT Monitoring Report: Ends 4 and 5 February 2, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "SOUTH KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT Monitoring Report: Ends 4 and 5 February 2, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOUTH KITSAP SCHOOL DISTRICT Monitoring Report: Ends 4 and 5 February 2, 2011

2 Ends 4 “The South Kitsap School District will inspire and motivate all students.” Ends 5 “The South Kitsap School District will believe in and practice hope.”

3 Model an infectious joy in learning and a thirst for knowledge; Make learning relevant today, as well as in the future; Provide opportunities for students to apply skills and knowledge in engaging and meaningful ways; Foster curiosity and confidence to ask questions and test ideas; Encourage students to strive to do their best and acknowledge them when they do; Provide opportunities for all students to pursue personal interests and talents; and Provide meaningful opportunities for self-directed and independent learning. ENDS 4

4 ENDS 4: Indicators of Progress Institutionalizing our Vision to Nurture Growth, Inspire Achievement and Build Community Declaration of Interdependence and “Key” Campaign Unwavering Commitment to Whole Child Opportunities for Students to be Challenged and Connected: Arts, Athletics, Activities Training and Implementation of Kids at Hope: Integration of the Research and Science Associated with Hope with Instructional Best Practices (i.e. I am a Kid at Hope Pledge; Hope Tunnel) Analysis of SKSD High Performing Classrooms; Fundamental Characteristics of Success Emphasis on Mentoring/PAL’s Program Senior Presentations, Career Day Community Transition Programs; CTE; West Sound Tech; Purposeful Student Recognition Programs Purposeful and Strategic Teaching and Learning Environment: Character Counts, Love and Logic, Rachel’s Challenge, Highly Effective Kids; Positive Behavior Systems; Kids at Hope

5 ENDS 4: Kids at Hope: Training Plus Trained By Kids at Hope Leadership Team Union Presidents Teacher Leaders in Several Buildings Training by District “Hope Team” Leadership Team Leadership Support Team Food and Nutrition All district substitutes Bus drivers Schools in district: South Colby Burley Glenwood Manchester Sedgwick Discovery High School Orchard Heights Tunnel of Hope: Sidney Glen Hidden Creek Sunnyslope Ace Tracking: South Colby Community: SK Ministerial Association Juvenile detention staff and Judges SKYAA Peninsula High School Artondale Elementary

6 ENDS 4: Measurements Healthy Youth Survey Results (see hand-out) Student Site Based Survey Results (i.e. Character Counts, PRRR – see samples) Awards and Recognition: SKSD – Kids at Hope Award for District Participation 2010 Whole Child in Action Award: Sidney Glen Elementary School State School of Character: Hidden Creek WSASCD Awards: PAL’s and Backpacks for Kids Highest Ever: Number of Inductions to Nation Honor Society 2011 (44) Arts Grants and Participation (see highlights/hand-out) Athletic Participation (see hand-out) Post High School Pursuits: Multiple Options Under Consideration

7 ENDS 4:Healthy Youth Surveys and Student Voice When you feel sad or hopeless, are there adults you can turn to for help? A student is being bullied when another student, or group of students, say or do nasty or unpleasant things to him or her. It is also bullying when a student is teased repeatedly in a way he or she doesn’t like. It is NOT bullying when two students of about the same strength argue or fight. In the last 30 days, how often have you been bullied? I look forward to the future. I feel good about myself. I enjoy being in school? Try to do your best work in school? My teacher(s) notices when I am doing a good job and lets me know about it. Participated in clubs, organizations or activities at school? How often do you feel the schoolwork you are assigned is meaningful and important?

8 Hire, retain, and support motivated and inspiring teachers; Deploy caring, inclusive, collaborative teams committed to meeting the needs of the whole child; Establish high expectations for all students and for all staff members; Treat all students and all families fairly, equitably, and respectfully; Collaborate with the community to support the whole child and the whole family; Foster the sense of future possibilities that motivate students to achieve; Help families understand the value of education and give them the skills to help their students achieve; and Believe all children are capable of success, no exception. ENDS 5

9 ENDS 5: Indicators of Progress Emphasis on the SKSD “Bus” Fundamental Characteristics of All Employees Revised Screening and Interviewing Procedures Revised Classified Evaluation Documentation Kids at Hope – training, research, promotion and celebration Training with all SKSD Union Leaders Declaration of Interdependence – Beliefs, All, No Exceptions Future Focus: Student Led Conferences Communication and Branding of SKSD: Web, Key Logo; TV Show, Narrated Presentations on line; Back to School Videos, etc.

10 ENDS 5: Measurements Parent Teacher Conference Attendance Rates Declaration Data Keys on Display 252 Signed on-line Signed Declarations in all schools and Departments Awards and Recognition: State and National Recognition (WSASCD and ASCD) NIB’s and Numbers: Since 2006 we have presented certificates to: 181 Community Members / Volunteers 155 SK Students Each year the number has increased This school year to date (Oct 2010 – Feb 2011) 39 Community Member Nominees 14 SK Student Nominees

11 ENDS 5: Measurements Whole Child Data: Nearly 300 Backpacks for Kids per week; Tens of Thousands Donated Free Immunizations: 455 in 09-10 Boys and Girls Club: Two Sites; Two Summer Programs PAL’s – 45 To Date Summer Lunch Camps: 12,000 meals 25 community partners 40 kids average per day 9 week program 3 schools 1,000+ games and books donated Whole Child, Whole Community Partners: 135 Ready for K (see next slide) Graduation Rates, Post Graduation Data (College and Vocational)

12 Fall236288177114 Winter305360222105 Spring28635721179 Fall Spanish Classes1719 Winter Spanish Classes15 Spring Spanish Classes23 Fall Discovery Teens1719 Winter Discovery Teens20 Spring Discovery Teens2023 Fall Madrona Heights45 Winter Madrona Heights Spring Madrona Heights22 Total 9451131610298 Families Total Participants Children in Childcare 1st Time Attendees

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