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Criminal Law Statutes that can lead to problems! Gosh, I wish I had known…. Page 93.

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2 Criminal Law Statutes that can lead to problems! Gosh, I wish I had known…. Page 93

3 Misconceptions I have an order from the court to serve this process. Therefore I can: Go anywhere I choose at any time I choose. Compel people to give me information! Demand that employers make a person available to me so I can serve the process! Demand that a person come to the door!

4 Assault – Page 81 Elements: Intentionally & Knowingly Causes bodily injury Threatens another Causes offensive physical contact Assault Page 93

5 Preventing Execution of Civil Process See Sec. 38.16 on page 92 and GA-0113 on page 142

6 Tell the Truth and no worries! Lie and expect the penalty! Perjury Art. 37.02 on page 94

7 Tell the Truth and no worries! Lie and expect severe penalties! Aggravated Perjury Art. 37.03 on page 94

8 Tampering with Governmental Record See Sec. 37.10 on page 95. A return of service is a governmental record! An affidavit of attempted service is a governmental record! A 103 affidavit is a governmental record!

9 Tempted to Tamper? Tell the Truth and no worries! Lie and expect severe penalties!

10 Impersonating a Public Servant See 37.11 on page 96. Be careful what you say and what you imply. Often people will assume that you are an officer. Don’t go along with it. Displaying a “badge” will cinch their case!

11 Criminal Trespass Sec. 30.05 on page 96. KEEP OUT! POSTED NO TRESPASSING

12 Criminal Trespass Enters or Remains on property or in a building after notice entry was forbidden and had notice to depart. Notice may be: Oral or Written Communication Fencing Sign



15 Enters or Remains on property or in a building after notice entry was forbidden and had notice to depart. Notice may be: Oral or Written Communication Fencing Sign Purple Paint


17 Question Time You ask or I will!

18 The End! Thank you for your attention!

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