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Bullying Let’s put it to an end!.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying Let’s put it to an end!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying Let’s put it to an end!

2 Turn and talk Brainstorm with your partner with what you think bullying is. Come record your answers on chart paper.

3 Video Lets watch a few videos…

4 Turn and talk Answer the following questions:
Have you ever been bullied? Do you know someone who has been bullied? Are you a bully? Why do you think bullying occurs? Why do people bully? What does bullying mean to you?

5 Discuss as a class Why is bulling everyone’s problem?

6 Revisit and revise class chart!

7 Exit slip On your post it note answer the following:
List one thing you are currently doing to create a positive learning environment for everyone. List one thing you will start doing to make it a positive learning environment.

8 Ending Video

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