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Criminal Justice Issues on Capitol Hill: Funding and Legislation IJIS INDUSTRY BRIEFING JANUARY 8, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminal Justice Issues on Capitol Hill: Funding and Legislation IJIS INDUSTRY BRIEFING JANUARY 8, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminal Justice Issues on Capitol Hill: Funding and Legislation IJIS INDUSTRY BRIEFING JANUARY 8, 2009

2 Agenda and Overview Current landscape Trends in justice funding DOJ and DHS programs Update on Byrne JAG funding crisis Outlook for upcoming funding bills Pending criminal justice legislation How can I get involved?

3 Current Landscape New Administration Economic Stimulus dwarfs everything How to finish appropriations bills? Awaiting new Administration and Congress Senior agency officials leaving Congressional leadership changes

4 Trends in Justice Funding Significant issues: Funding leveling off after years of cuts WH attempt to consolidate grants Surprise dramatic cut in Byrne/JAG Growth of small, targeted grant programs New legislation on the horizon

5 Trends in Funding, cont State/local program funding leveling off, after downward fall since FY03

6 Trends in Funding, cont Bush budget proposals: Collapse 60+ grant programs into 4 competitive, discretionary block grants Moves funding decisions from states to DOJ Congress opposed Put pressure on spending Stalled WH/congressional dialogue on innovation

7 Trends in Funding, cont Growth of new programs Small, categorical grant programs: Four new grants under VAWA last year Small targeted programs under BJA New legislation vying for funding Adam Walsh Act (implementation and state/tribal collaboration) Second Chance Act

8 Byrne Justice Assistance Grants Byrne JAG cut 67% in FY08 omnibus bill Large coalition working to restore funding

9 Byrne JAG, cont Since consolidation with LLEBG into JAG, funding down

10 Community Oriented Policing Strong brand name Broad support on Hill Earmarked Hiring program top priority for law enforcement Competes with other justice programs

11 SCAAP – Immigrant Incarceration Reimbursement program for cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants Regional issue Key Hill support Competes with justice programming

12 Juvenile Justice programs Stable funding Reauthorization bill next year Opportunity to grow funding OJJDP mandates increasing

13 State Homeland Security Program Primary state grant program Congress shifting money from rural to urban areas 25% for LE terrorism prevention purposes

14 Urban Areas Security Initiative Preparedness grant for the biggest cities Strong support in Congress 25% for LE terrorism prevention purposes LLETP no longer separate program

15 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis Large coalition working together. Supporters include: NCSL – National Conference of State Legislatures NCJA – National Criminal Justice Association NSA - National Sheriffs’ Association IACP - The International Association of Chiefs of Police USCM - U.S. Conference of Mayors NNOAC - National Narcotics Officers’ Associations’ Coalition IJIS Institute NTC - National Troopers Coalition NDAA - National District Attorneys Association NAAG - National Association of Attorneys General

16 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, con’t Supporters, con’t NACO - National Association of Counties NCPC - National Crime Prevention Council NADCP - National Association of Drug Court Professionals ACA - American Correctional Association NAVAA - National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators NOVA - National Organization for Victim Assistance MCSA - Major County Sheriffs’ Association NCSC - National Center for State Courts NASADAD - National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors

17 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, con’t Supporters, con’t ICCA - International Community Corrections Association RAINN - Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network NLC - National League of Cities NCVC - National Center for Victims of Crime NAPO - National Association of Police Organizations FOP - Fraternal Order of Police AVA - Association of VAWA Administrators SAAS – State Association of Addiction Services LAC – Legal Action Center NASDEA - National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies

18 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, con’t Supporters, con’t CADCA - Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America National HIDTA Directors’ Association NAAALEC - National Association of Asian American Law Enforcement Commanders NLPOA - National Latino Peace Officers Association AJA - American Jail Association APPA - American Probation and Parole Association IUPA - International Union of Police Associations

19 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, con’t Letters and other statements of support: 218 House members 56 senators (plus individual letters) 30 stakeholder groups 56 attorneys general 36 governors sign-on National Governors Association Individual governor, stakeholder letters NCSL, NACO, ICCM, NLC sign-on 21 freshmen Democrats

20 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, con’t Congressional hearings Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on FY08 bill with OMB director House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearings Field hearings across country Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Another Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this week

21 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, con’t Media events Senate and House briefings Senate and House press conferences Over 350 articles written nationwide, including major dailies, small town papers and television stations Press events with stakeholders in nearly every state

22 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, cont Messages: Byrne/JAG is the cornerstone federal program supporting criminal justice Allows states to innovate, system-wide The primary federal law enforcement program, particularly multi-jurisdictional drug task forces. Also, funds broad range of juvenile, victims’, court, drug treatment, and other initiatives.

23 Byrne/JAG Funding Crisis, cont Byrne JAG FY08 funding should be restored this year Once disbanded, drug task forces cannot easily re-start When the economy weakens, crime rises. Argument for funding in the upcoming stimulus Local law enforcement is the first line of defense against terrorism

24 Byrne JAG Funding Crisis, cont Timing/Process: Sought to restore funding on recent FY08 war supplemental spending bill Senate bill included $490M; House bill did not. Final deal negotiated with White House excluded Byrne JAG funds. Senate has tried to include in FY09 Continuing Resolution and current stimulus.

25 Byrne JAG Funding Crisis, cont Economic stimulus (sometimes called second supplemental) likely in mid-February Some are talking about including public safety funding, for job creation and crime prevention Primarily job creation bill, but other pent-up demands – Katrina, western wildfires, LIHEAP Opportunity for new Administration to put imprint on spending

26 Byrne JAG Funding Crisis, cont Final FY09 appropriations bill also likely in mid-February (possibly sooner) Justice programs compete with funding for economic competitiveness, census and NASA funding Funding is expected to reflect FY09 committee-passed levels. Committees do not want to spend time negotiating FY09 bills

27 Prospect for FY2010 Funding Prospects for FY2010 Justice funding: New Administration likely to include robust levels for JAG and COPS in budget request Obama campaigned on restored funding Congress aware of support from field, and link to economy Committees will start working on FY2010 bills in March/April.

28 Criminal Justice Priority Legislation Simple JAG reauthorization bill passed COPS reauthorization bill pending (minor changes) Major bills on the horizon Juvenile justice reauthorization bill Next generation crime bill Overall DOJ reauthorization bill Child Internet exploitation

29 How Can I Get Involved? Meet with delegation members and staff – in D.C. and district offices Stay in regular touch by phone or e-mail (not snail mail!) Show how programs impact community Build coalitions with other stakeholders Use the media to tell the good story

30 Why NCJA? Participate in 2009 National Forum, Aug 9 - 11 Join NCJA! Be the first to know! Stay up to date on grants opportunities and congressional activities Access to national leaders and networking, participate in national discussions Help shape justice policies and funding levels

31 Contact Information Cabell Cropper Elizabeth Pyke Executive Director Senior Manager, Government Affairs 202-628-8550 main 202-448-1715 direct National Criminal Justice Association

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