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You need… - A pen or pencil - Entry Task sheet - SS Folder You will get… - Group maps - Map worksheet - colored pencils 9.22.15 Entry Task How do you think.

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Presentation on theme: "You need… - A pen or pencil - Entry Task sheet - SS Folder You will get… - Group maps - Map worksheet - colored pencils 9.22.15 Entry Task How do you think."— Presentation transcript:

1 You need… - A pen or pencil - Entry Task sheet - SS Folder You will get… - Group maps - Map worksheet - colored pencils 9.22.15 Entry Task How do you think the race- based social hierarchy and cultural diffusion made the natives of Mexico feel? Directions: Write your answer on your Entry Task form.

2 What have we learned recently?  Spanish influence changed the social structure of Latin America, and racial diversity impacted people  Spanish brought their religion (Catholicism) and language (Spanish)… through cultural diffusion these ideas/practices/behaviors became part of Latin American culture as well  We can think critically and draw conclusions by reading and comparing maps!

3 Academic ExpectationsBehavior Expectations 1.Listen carefully 2.Think-Pair-Write when instructed 3.Think chronologically (what happened first, next, later, finally?) Volume: 1 (Partner Talk… when instructed) Movement: seated at your desk Participation: -Fill in each opening on your interactive timeline!


5 Think-Pair-Write 1.Why did some Mexicans want independence from Spain? 2.What happened when they tried to get it?


7 Think-Pair-Write 1.How did the Plan de Iguala change things? 2.How did it keep some things the same?


9 Think-Pair-Write 1.Why was it difficult for Mexico to keep a strong central government?


11 Think-Pair-Write 1.How did the Mexican- American War change the shape of Mexico?

12 Academic ExpectationsBehavior Expectations 1.Read the directions carefully… understand what it is asking before you make a move 2.Observe the details on each map 3.Make comparisons across the maps 4.Use all the resources available: -North America in 1713 -North America in 1832 -Red Textbook pages 125-135 Volume: 3 (Table Talk) Movement: stay with the group except for getting more resources Participation: -Complete your North America Today map (following the directions on the back) -Respond in writing to #s 2, 3, 5, 7 & 8 -Finished? Read pg. in the Red textbook

13 Table Talk to Answer you ASSIGNED question: Groups 1, 2 & 3: How did Mexico’s borders affect its history? Groups 4, 5 & 6: How did Mexico’s size affect efforts to govern its territory? Groups 7 & 8: Why do you think Mexican culture is so important in certain areas of the US?

14 Wrap-Up On an Exit Ticket form: How do countries get their borders? Come up with at least two ways. How are these true for Mexico? Homework Reminder: 1.Watch the video posted to my teacher website. Answer the questions on this sheet! 2.Due: Thursday, Sept. 24 How We Leave Class 1.Complete Wrap-Up Activity 2.Wait for directions. 3.Everyone helps! 1 person returns materials 1 person turns in all work to the tray Every one else clean up the space, 4.Push in your chair, stand behind it and wait for teacher dismissal

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