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Welcome! Chemistry-Climate WG Peter Hess Jean-Francois Lamarque Michael Prather.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Chemistry-Climate WG Peter Hess Jean-Francois Lamarque Michael Prather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Chemistry-Climate WG Peter Hess Jean-Francois Lamarque Michael Prather

2 Agenda Monday Afternoon Developments in Chemistry in CAM Halogen Chemistry Discussion (Future Directions) – IPCC/Community Simulations – Cam with Chemistry Development Tuesday Morning Presentations of General Interest Tuesday Afternoon (Joint Session with AMWG) Update and Progress of CAM Development Research – New Boundary Layer/New Convection Aerosol and Clouds in CAM4 Wednesday Morning (Joint Session with AMWG) Aerosol and Cloud Applications

3 WG Responsibilities 1) CCSM with chemistry – impacts of chemistry/aerosols on climate in a cost effective way 2) Chemistry Model within the CCSM – benchmark for simplified versions – effect of climate on chemistry/air quality – model-measurement comparison – short-term impact studies


5 Timeline -February -October 2008, Components Assembled -June 2009, Model Released Implementation, Development Testing

6 Chemistry for Climate Simulations

7 Fall-Back1 st 2 nd 3 rd ChemistryNoneInput Oxidants SimpleFull Biogeochem.Input N Input O3 Prognostic N and O3 StratosphereNoYes AerosolsPrescribe Bulk Prescribe: #, mass Internally Mix Prog., Input Ox SS, Dust SO4: Input Ox. Prog, Input Ox 4/7 internally mixed modes #, mass MicrophysicsPresent w/ Mods 2 moment 4 class EmissionsBC, OC Tami Bond, SO2 (Smith, Streets), Oxidants (From POET precursors), BB (Randerson + arbitrary scale) + …..

8 Remaining Issues (WG recommendations) Aerosol Configuration Emissions – Historical Runs – Future Runs Generation of Input Chemistry/Aerosols(?) – What Model to Use? Middle Atmosphere/WACCM CAM4 (Frozen or Preliminary), CAM3.5 Emissions – Future – Past

9 Chemistry within the CCSM

10 Remaining Issues Configurations – CAM4 – NCEP – Other Simulations with new dynamics and configurations Chemistry – Stratospheric Chemistry – Tropospheric Halogen Chemistry Aerosol Configuration – Secondary Organic Aerosols – Computational Expense New components Model Release June 2009

11 Meeting Goals Towards CAM4 – Recommendations for model configurations – What can you contribute Towards the IPCC – What is essential in terms of chemistry-climate – What can we do about it? Agenda for meeting in Breckenridge

12 Chemistry model in CCSM MOZART4 Incorporated into CCSM – CAM and MOZART routines checked against each other Chemical Mechanism – MZ4 mechanism in place. – Simple input of fixed chemical oxidants – Query functions so chemical mechanism easy to change. Additions to mechanism for SOA formation (Heald) Dry deposition – Wesley deposition in place (MZ4) Wesley deposition input into CLM Updated scheme using information from CLM (LAI, stomatal resistance) Photolysis – Fast TUV in place Update to Prather Fast-J Use of sophisticated cloud overlap (Neu) Consistency between CAM and CHEM in treatment of aerosols Combined radiation/aerosol calculation

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