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COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Margo Lamb September 19,2007.

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1 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Margo Lamb September 19,2007

2 What is Collection Development? The process of selecting a wide range of materials in various formats to meet the needs of the library’s customers—Professional Learning Community

3 Who are the school library’s customers?  Students  Faculty  Parents and Community Together they form the Professional Learning Community.

4 What is the library mission? The mission of the elementary library program is to make students life-long library users. This mission is accomplished: by providing students with access to materials in all formats. by stimulating interest in reading, viewing and using information and ideas. by working collaboratively with teachers in planning activities to support the classroom curriculum as addressed in the New Mexico Content Standards with Benchmarks.

5 What is the school mission?  Curriculum -what is taught  Student academic expectations  School learning goals-EPSS  Reading programs  Dual language

6 What are the state standards regarding the library collection?  Age of collection  Size of collection  Distribution of Collection-percentages  Refer to pages 7 and 8 of “Standards for New Mexico School Libraries”, March 2004.

7 How do you determine needs?  Prepare a collection analysis  Compare to state standards  Determine gaps  Determine aged materials  Curriculum support  New Mexico

8 How do you know what to select?  District’s selection policy  Library Bill of Rights  Teacher recommendations  Student input  Supplemental reading correlated to textbooks  Be aware of reading and interest levels  Recommended lists  Award winners  Read reviews  Join literature discussion groups  Avoid personal bias

9 When considering……  Audiovisual materials  Databases  Magazines  Materials in graphic format  Use the same selection criteria for materials in different formats

10 REMEMBER  Have confidence in every title you select and a reason for every title you select.

11 What else should I know before I purchase the materials?  District approved vendors  District approved processing  Be aware of format  Book fair books  Be aware of bindings

12 How do I create the purchase order?  Prepare list 20% above amount you want to spend  Include processing when applicable  Follow ordering procedures outlined in Library Handbook  Keep track of accounts: Operational, Special Allocation, GO Bond  Work with your school secretary

13 Another Step in Collection Development  Weeding/Deselection  Should be a regular, continuing and steady process  As important as the initial selection

14 What should I remove from the library?  Aged materials  Materials with incorrect information  Excessively worn materials  Biased materials  Trendy materials  Materials no longer meeting school needs  Refer to Texas State Library CREW Manual

15 END RESULT  Good collection development will result in a well rounded library containing materials representing various points of view, various cultures and various languages.  It is getting the right book or the right information in the right format to the right person at the right time.

16 Collection Development has not changed  In 1930 Francis Drury stated in her ALA publication “Book Selection”:  The high purpose of book selection is to provide the right books for the right reader at the right time.

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