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K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 1 December 2007 Object Database Semantics: the Stack-Based Architecture Presentation prepared for Object Database Technology Users and Vendors Roundtable OMG Technical Meeting, Burlingame, CA, December 10-14, 2007 by Prof. Kazimierz Subieta Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland SBA/SBQL pages:
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 2 December 2007 Topics Human and machine semantics – the motivation for SBA Machine aspects of database semantics Semantic quarks of OO store models Functionality, semantics & theories SBA – an approach to formal semantics Major topics that SBA deals with Some examples Current SBA implementation in the ODRA system SBA and interoperability
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 3 December 2007 Targets of database semantics Human (database designer, programmer, database administrator) –Humans perceive the semantics informally –The most important is practice, training and efficiency of work –The informal semantics addressing humans is under influence of a lot of side factors, including beliefs, aesthetics, opinion of authorities, etc. Machine (systems that have to accomplish the semantics through interpreters, compilers, mappers, etc.) –Machine semantics is always fully formal and deterministic Human semantics is a guide for developing machine semantics However, the machine semantics eventually determines the human semantics
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 4 December 2007 Human and machine semantics Programmer’s understanding of database semantics and machine interpretation of database semantics should coincide. –The programmer must understand database structures on a high abstraction level –The programmer must understand semantics of queries addressing database structures on a high abstraction level, too No essential details concerning database structures and query semantics (e.g. updating) can be neglected or treated as „implementation issues”. –However, programmers need not be aware of all the machine semantics details –Programmers use a database programming environment intuitively –Machine should precisely follow their thinking and imagination
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 5 December 2007 Database models and SBA Database semantics depends on the assumed data model „Data model” is an ideological rather than technical notion –People believe or not. –No mathematics, theory or experience can justify a particular ideology for all future cases and applications –Ideologies can be wrong, based on misleading superficial rhetoric The relational database model is an ideology, supported by (very limited) mathematical theories OO is an ideology, too –SBA is a theory supporting OO database models, –SBA is incomparably more powerful than relational theories However, SBA is neutral to database models –It can be used to object-oriented, XML, relational and other models
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 6 December 2007 Machine aspects of database semantics Machines deal with data structures rather than with data models For this reason in SBA we talk about data store models –i.e. formal concepts determining organization of data structures A store model is purely formal, it does not involve an „ideology” –Features of a data model are reflected in data structures indirectly –Some features of a store model appear as the result of orthogonality criteria, beyond the data model Database queries and programs formally address formal data structures
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 7 December 2007 Semantic quarks of OO store models There are many object-oriented store models that are significantly different and possess incompatible features –Smalltalk, C++, Java, C#, CORBA, ODMG, SQL-99, XML, RDF, … –The models tend to be complex and non-intuitive –The same notions are understood differently Is it possible to unify them on some common ground? SBA reduces the models to „semantic quarks”: object identifiers, atomic values and object names –They are used to build object store models practically with no limits –Some principles (known for 40 years): Object relativism: each component of an object is an object Total identification: each run-time entity (e.g. object) should possess an internal identifier (used as a reference to the entity)
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 8 December 2007 An SBA object
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 9 December 2007 Functionality of queries – where is the limit? All theories devoted to the relational model assume some limited role of queries –E.g. the relational algebra: even 2+2 is beyond SQL: limits of the relational algebra are not reasonable –SQL-99 has the power of universal programming languages, far more than the „relationally complete” languages can do Limited role of queries in the database programming is assumed in all proposals concerning OO query languages –models, theories, OODBMS, ODMG standards, … SBA abandons this philosophy
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 10 December 2007 SBA: no limit for applications of QLs Any functionality may require queries Queries take the role of expressions of programming languages –Hence new attitude to the semantic description, in particular, to theories that are the basis for semantics SBA removes the border between querying and programming SBA theory is a continuation of the programming language theory rather than database theories.
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 11 December 2007 Semantics of query & programming languages Usually, semantics is intuitively explained rather than formally specified –This is typical for programming languages –Formal specification of semantics is complex, boring, full of difficult concepts, frequently containing bugs and unspecified parts Intuitive specification of semantics makes problems for standards: –Ambiguous specification => many incompatible implementations –Contradictory specification => no correct implementation –No reasoning on redundancy, equivalence or incompleteness of language constructs No formal semantics => poor query optimization, difficulties with strong typing, and other problems Even smallest semantic problem is a very big problem –Especially for standardization aiming at code portability
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 12 December 2007 Precision, Functionality and Universality Precision –Simple, non-ambiguous model of data structures being queried –Non-ambiguous semantics of query and programming constructs Functionality and Universality –A formal object model should cover (almost) all features of the current object models, including UML, CORBA, XML, Java, C++, WSDL –A complete query and programming language addressing the model What does it mean „complete”? Complete = practically universal: the power of PLs + interoperability + performance + client/server + transactions + database abstractions + …. Mistake of current database models & theories: neglecting updates Non-redundancy –Keep the model and the language as lean as possible
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 13 December 2007 SBA – an approach to formal semantics Formal models of data stores: –Based on the semantics quarks and assumed principles Models M0, M1, M2 and M3 cover basic features of majority of object models, including complex objects, classes, inheritance, roles and encapsulation –Other features can be introduced by small variations of M1-M3 Functionality of SBQL and its programming capabilities address all features of M1-M3 Semantics of SBQL is expressed in a way specific to programming languages SBA non-algebraic operators – known from relational languages, but defined in the spirit of programming languages
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 14 December 2007 Approaches to formal semantics There are many approaches, in particular: –Relational/object algebras (or calculi) –1 st order logic –Denotational semantics –Operational semantics –etc. In the specification of semantics three aspects are important: 1.Formal specification 2.Supporting all imaginable data structures and query functionalities 3.Communication with developers who must understand the semantics to implement it Academic people usually address only the first aspect For other aspects only operational semantics is adequate
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 15 December 2007 Abstract implementation as semantic specification It is a kind of operational semantics based on abstract machine that accomplishes query/program processing SBA abstract machine introduces three well-known structures: –object store, –environment stack (thus SBA), –query result stack. These structures are fundamental for precise semantic description of everything that may happen in database query/programming languages. –Classical query operators, such as selection, projection, joins and quantifiers, can be generally and precisely specified –Updating constructs, programming abstractions, database abstractions, strong typing, etc. can be expressed in terms of abstract implementation.
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 16 December 2007 SBA – power through orthogonality SBA discovers and employs semantic quarks of query languages –Primitive queries: literals and names –Semantics of a complex query is build from semantics of its parts –Environment and result stacks as a mechanism of query composition –Semantics based on object references rather than object values Qualities of the orthogonality and semantic quarks –Powerful theory and reasoning on features of languages –Easier implementation –Much shorter programmers’ manuals –Powerful query optimization methods and a strong typing system –Much easier teaching and developing general principles –Supporting inventions and new ideas
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 17 December 2007 The idea of SBA Unification of PL expressions and queries: –2, ”Smith” –salary, x, Employee –2+2, (x+y)*z –Employee where salary = 1000 –(Employee where salary = (x+y)*z).surname All such expressions/queries used as: –arguments of imperative statements, –parameters of procedures, functions or methods –a return from a functional procedure (from a method) Expressions/queries + programming capabilities used for: –Procedures, functions, classes, types, inheritance, roles, … –Virtual updatable views –Various other forms of database abstractions (triggers, business rules, constraints, transactions,…)
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 18 December 2007 Major topics that SBA deals with (1) General architecture of query processing Abstract models of object stores Syntax, semantics and pragmatics of query languages Semantics of algebraic and non-algebraic operators Classes, methods and static inheritance in query languages Dynamic object roles and dynamic inheritance in query languages Processing of irregular data structures (semi-structured data) Transitive closures and fixed-point equations Imperative (updating) constructs Procedures, functions and methods
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 19 December 2007 Major topics that SBA deals with (2) Parameter passing for procedures, functions & methods Encapsulation Virtual updatable views Types, interfaces, schemas and metamodels Static (semi-) strong type checking of queries and programs Query optimization (rewriting, indices, caching, …) Query processing and optimization in distributed systems Data-intense grids and P2P networks: integration of distributed, heterogeneous, fragmented and redundant resources Aspect-oriented databases OMG MDA and executable UML + OCL
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 20 December 2007 UML-like schema (ODRA)
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 21 December 2007 SBQL queries Get all information on departments for employees named Doe: (Emp where lName = “Doe”).worksIn.Dept Get the name of Doe’s boss: (Emp where lName = “Doe”).worksIn.Dept.boss.Emp.lName Names and cities of employees working in departments managed by Kim: (Dept where (boss.Emp.lName) = “Kim”).employs.Emp. (lName, if exists(address) then else “No address”) For each employee get the name and the percent of the annual budget of his/her department that is consumed by his/her monthly salary: Emp. (lName as n, (((if exists(sal) then sal else 0) as s). ((s * 12 * 100)/(worksIn.Dept.budget)) as percentOfBudget)
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 22 December 2007 SBQL programs (ODRA) For each person having no salary give the minimal salary in his/her department: for each (Emp where not exists(sal)) as e { e.changeSal( min(e.works_in.Dept.employs.Emp.sal) )} A method: changeSal( newSal: real ): boolean { if (not exists(self.sal)){ sal: real[0..1]; self :< create sal(newSal); } else { if (self.sal > newSal) return false; else self.sal := newSal; } return true; }
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 23 December 2007 Current ODRA Architecture
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 24 December 2007 SBA/SBQL in recent (pending) projects ODRA (Object Database for Rapid Applications) - queries, imperative constructs, programming abstractions, classes, types, methods, inheritance, modules, query optimization,... European project eGov Bus. Integrating distributed resources being under control of various European governmental institutions. –SBQL as an embedded QL for application programming in Java. –SBQL as self-contained DBPL for application programming. –Virtual repository based on SBQL virtual updateable OO views European project VIDE - developing a visual programming language for the OMG MDA. –OCL and other concepts related to Executable UML are implemented XML2XML mapper based on SBQL (more powerful than XSLT)
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 25 December 2007 Current functionality of ODRA Object model: complex objects, collections, associations, classes, inheritance, polymorphism, types and schemata ODRA IDE SBQL queries: many algebraic and all non-algebraic operators, transitive closures, function, procedure and method calls Typing system: semi-strong static type checking, dynamic type checks Imperative (updating) statements and control statements Procedures, functions with parameters, recursive Virtual Updatable Views Transactions Multiple-client/multiple server architecture Accessing Java Libraries Accessing Web Services Wrapper to Relational DB XML Importer and Exporter RDF Wrapper Web Services Front End ODRA Web API (JSP + SBQL) ODRA JOBC ODRA Indexing ODRA Access Control
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 26 December 2007 Interoperability with RDBMS The ORM problem is not (cannot be?) properly solved on the ground of current object-oriented technologies, including Java. If the mapping between the models would be complex, then: –Performance can be unacceptable for very large databases (the SQL query optimizer has no chances to work). –Updating leads to non-trivial view updating problems. Practically, only limited mappings are acceptable The problem is much easier on the ground of SBA, due to virtual updateable views: –Because SBA is neutral to data models, it is possible to see a relational database as a primitive object database queried by SBQL –Then, SBQL virtual updatable views make it possible to map the relational database to an object database with full algorithmic power –This technology is implemented in ODRA.
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 27 December 2007 Interoperability with popular programming languages: Java, C++, Ruby, etc. A difficult problem with a lot of (partial) solutions: –Bindings in the style of embedded SQL or ODMG –An interface from a PL to SBQL in the style of ODBC/JDBC –A generic gateway from SBQL to libraries written in other languages –Generic middleware based e.g. on CORBA or Web Services –Generic middleware based on a virtual repository The MDA case: CIM => PIM => PSM => code –If the transformations between the models are to be done automatically, the problem is difficult –Manual transformations? Using native syntax (Java, Ruby, etc.) to query some external resources (e.g. OO databases) – a very challenging problem. –No general solution.
K.Subieta. ODB Semantics: SBA, slide 28 December 2007 Conclusions To make a high quality standard for object-oriented databases, the specification of semantics is the must, –to avoid the fate of SQL-99 and ODMG standards SBA offers the unique method of query languages’ construction and semantic specification. –SBA is a holistic database theory, it doesn’t give up any (even the most advanced) feature of current practical OO database QL/PL. Michi Henning, ZeroC: „No standard should be approved without a reference implementation. … –No one is brilliant enough to look at a specification and be certain that it does not contain hidden flaws without actually implementing it.” SBA has been implemented more than 10 times, for different systems and purposes. –PJIIT can support OMG with a reference implementation of a new object database standard.
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