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English Language Arts Introduction Instructor: Ms Nakaska-Adolf.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Arts Introduction Instructor: Ms Nakaska-Adolf."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Arts Introduction Instructor: Ms Nakaska-Adolf

2 How does online ELA work? combination of: –lessons and assignments –discussions –quizzes and exams and now for a closer look…

3 Lessons – assignments Lessons are posted in units. You MAY want to print them out one unit at a time (as drafts) – that way if ISP or server errors prevent you from reaching the website, you will still have access to your work. You may work ahead, but not in the other direction! Pay attention as to what form the assignment takes – whether you are to create your answer in a Word document, a.wav file, a PowerPoint slide presentation, using an online tool, any format of your choosing.

4 Lessons – due dates Assignments and exams are due at midnight. Late marks are NOT deducted, however, assignments submitted late will not receive any feedback – a mark, ONLY. It certainly is to your benefit to get your assignments in promptly, as timely feedback from your teacher will make a difference in how you pursue subsequent assignments.

5 Dropbox All ELA assignments are submitted using the dropbox. If you are having troubles attaching, delete any spaces in the title of the file. Label all of your assignments files as directed in the lesson. It is VERY important that your surname is part of the file name.

6 Dropbox - advantages 10M of space (larger if necessary) multiple postings easy to see what has/has not been completed keeps all assignments in one location easy to find for review no lost email!!

7 Discussions 25% of your course mark comes from participating in the Forum. You are marked on your initial posting, as well as your comments on what others have posted. (Don’t post in documents.) Be engaging and respectful. Replaces regularly scheduled tutorials.

8 Quizzes and Exams All units end with an exam, either on-line or emailed to your key parent. None of the unit exams is open book. Parental supervision is required for all quizzes and exams. Quizzes and exams are open for the entire 24-hour day, in an effort to accommodate working students and parents, but I can only guarantee my help on any problems that occur during regular school hours.

9 Calendar check daily for what to be working on and/or what is due updated one unit at a time weekly dates are posted on the course home page

10 ELA Websites References Grammar and Punctuation Clipart Writing Literature Research Studying Museums (diploma exams)

11 Organization - thematic Theory (poetry, short story, non-fiction, essay- writing, visuals, personal response to texts) Main Unit ONE Main Unit TWO Main Unit THREE Diploma / Final Exam Prep (Parts A and B) genres studied – poetry, short story, non-fiction, visuals, modern drama, (Shakespearean drama), novel thematic organization aids in making connections from one piece of literature to another – a necessary skill for the diploma exam, but also in the “real world”

12 Need help??? If you need help, send a detailed email that has the word “question” or ? symbol in the subject heading along with the course title (eg. ELA 30-1 ?) Be specific – on what lesson are you working and where are you stuck? Do NOT wait until an assignment is due, and then submit it saying, “I don’t get it.” Ask for help as the problem arises. If you prefer “live”, I am onsite in Airdrie Mondays and Tuesdays and in Elluminate Wednesdays (or by appointment). Email and phone during school hours.

13 Help me out! Report “broken” links Check “news”, calendar, and email daily. Keep your key parents informed. Read carefully BEFORE emailing.

14 Bookmark Links Moodle (Bookmark each course.) RVSchools email ca/ServiceLogin ca/ServiceLogin RVLC

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