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Natural Europe Questionnaire for teachers (school visit) The questionnaire is aimed at collecting information and on the features and tools of the Natural.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Europe Questionnaire for teachers (school visit) The questionnaire is aimed at collecting information and on the features and tools of the Natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Europe Questionnaire for teachers (school visit) The questionnaire is aimed at collecting information and on the features and tools of the Natural Europe project. To analyze the quality of the project and its activities, all participants are asked to fill in this questionnaire carefully. All data is going to be treated as confidential. Thank you for your collaboration! First, we need some core data about you: Your gender: □ male □ femaleYour age: __________ Your home country: _____________ Which subject(s ) do you teach? ____________________________________________ What level do you teach?□ primary □ inferior secondary/ gymnasium □ upper secondary/ high school PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE 1)Have you ever accessed digital educational resources in the Internet? □ yes □ no If yes: How often do you search and use digital educational resources on the Internet? □ Every day □ Several times a week □ Once a week □ Once a month 2)Do you use digital educational resources for teaching and for preparing learning activities? □ Yes, often □ Yes, rarely □ Not at all 1

2 Which pathway did you implement with your students? ___________________________________________________________________ 3)Please, rate the following aspects. (Tick one box per phrase!) Considering the implemented Educational Pathway (EP) Strongly disagree Strongly agree The EP fulfilled my requirements as a teacher. □□□□□ The content of the EP was excellent.□□□□□ The structure of the EP was coherent.□□□□□ It was easy to implement the EP.□□□□□ The information material was satisfying. □□□□□ The digital learning material of the EP was an enrichment. □□□□□ The EP was appropriate to the level of my students; it was neither too difficult nor too easy. □□□□□ It was easy to integrate the EP in the normal curriculum. □□□□□ The prescribed time for the EP was sufficient. □□□□□ 2 The presented Educational Pathway … Strongly Disagree Strongly agree … is curriculum related.□□□□□ … refreshes learning content.□□□□□ … does not deepen learning content.□□□□□ … repeats learning content.□□□□□ … is not practicable in everyday school life. □□□□□

3 4)Please, rate the following aspects. (Tick one box per phrase!) 5)Any comments? Further suggestions? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Observed impact of the EP on the students. The Educational Pathway… Strongly Disagree Strongly agree … stimulated the interest and motivation of students for learning natural history/science. □□□□□ … facilitated for themselves the understanding and learning of natural history/science. □□□□□ … developed students ability to use scientific methods. □□□□□ … linked natural history/science more easily and more closely with everyday life. □□□□□ … increased the students´ understanding of Information and Computer Technologies (ICT) in general. □□□□□...supported the students to apply ICT.□□□□□ … made the students better understand natural phenomena. □□□□□ … facilitated more autonomous learning of students at their own pace. □□□□□ 3

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