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Cerebral hemisphere Diencephalon Cerebellum Brain stem • Midbrain

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1 Cerebral hemisphere Diencephalon Cerebellum Brain stem • Midbrain
• Pons • Medulla oblongata Figure 12.3d

2 Cerebral hemisphere Septum pellucidum Corpus callosum Interthalamic adhesion (intermediate mass of thalamus) Fornix Choroid plexus Thalamus (encloses third ventricle) Interven- tricular foramen Posterior commissure Pineal gland (part of epithalamus) Anterior commissure Corpora quadrigemina Mid- brain Hypothalamus Cerebral aqueduct Optic chiasma Arbor vitae (of cerebellum) Pituitary gland and stalk (nfundibulum) Fourth ventricle Mammillary body Choroid plexus Pons Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Spinal cord

3 Lateral ventricle Septum pellucidum Anterior horn Posterior horn Inferior horn Interventricular foramen Lateral aperture Median aperture Third ventricle Inferior horn Lateral aperture Cerebral aqueduct Fourth ventricle Central canal (a) Anterior view (b) Left lateral view

4 Frontal lobe Olfactory bulb and tracts (synapse point of c.n. I) Optic chiasma Optic nerve (c.n. II) Optic tract Mammillary body Midbrain Pons Temporal lobe Medulla oblongata Cerebellum Spinal cord

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