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Presentation on theme: "MY MUSIC CAREER PATH (SINGING) By: Khadejah Watt 9WG."— Presentation transcript:


2 IDENTIFICATION OF ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS There are not necessarily any educational requirements to become a singer as several famous singers have had no formal training. Keep in mind that, enrolling in a bachelor's program will provide students with professional training in the field. Basic qualifications include: Bachelor of music degree A major in vocal performance (vocal study) Doctor of musical arts

3 WHAT IS MY (MUSIC) CAREER GOAL? My career goal is to become a professional singer

4 HIGH SCHOOL QUALIFICATIONS In order to graduate high school a singer would need at least 5 level 2 passes including Math, English and preferably Music In music you can gain a level 2 pass by doing grade 5 Trinity, CXC, GCSE or BTEC I plan to work on my BTEC certificate in Music, my grade 5 Trinity in Rock and Pop vocal examination. Participating in extra curricular activities such as choir or band is a bonus.

5 YEAR 12 After you have graduated high school you might either continue studies through A-Levels or BTEC diploma or a 2-year associates degree. For instance a student here might continue on to do A-Levels in Music, Art, Drama and English at Cayman Prep and High school or St. Ignatius. I might also consider doing my grade 8 Trinity Rock and Pop because this is equivalent to an A-Level.

6 UNIVERSITY QUALIFICATIONS Undergraduate studies in voice Some colleges and universities offer majors in vocal performance, vocal study, and opera which is o portion of a Bachelor of Music degree (Performance is a major part in being a singer it’s what attracts and engages the audience.) The vocal studies include: technical training that focuses on developing your skills and stage presence for public performances. Common classes include different languages such as English, Spanish, German etc. Graduate In voice performance and relatable, degrees you could earn: a Master of Music in Vocal Performance Doctor of Musical Arts

7 QUALIFICATIONS THAT I STILL NEED Though having a profession in singing doesn’t require much qualifications, I still need: To develop good stage presence More experience vocally- I need to be able to control my voice and learn how to avoid vocal damage and strain. I also need to learn to warm up on my own without the accompaniment of a piano or possibly any other instrument. To be able to understand different musical notes and references.

8 MAIN AREAS THAN I NEED TO IMPROVE ON I need to improve on : Stage presence- I still need to work on improving on connecting emotionally with the lyrics of the song that I am singing and physically with my audience. I need to be able to be confident enough to use of the stage and use gestures and different movements that corresponds with the song so my performance will be more entertaining and engaging. General vocal study There is nothing like being fully relaxed and toned while singing. Vocal training will help be accomplish these things. Learning how to read sheet music is another goal on my list of vocal study. This will expand my knowledge musically.

9 Common Requirements

10 DEGREE LEVEL A degree is not required for the general music industry but a bachelor’s degree it is required for specifically opera and classical music singers. Examples Bachelor of Music (BM) -Music schools see the BM degree as a program that prepares students to be professional musicians. Bachelor of Music Education (BME) -The BME degree prepares you for a career in teaching K-12 vocal and instrumental music etc. -As a BME student, your curriculum will include a combination of music education courses, conducting, music theory, and music history.

11 DEGREE FIELDS Requirements for this field are: Music theory - knowing the language of music such as: learning the different notes, arrangement of the notes, recognizing different pitch's, tones etc. Music performance - having good stage presence, stamina (which I’d need because you’d need to be able to sustain physical effort while singing so there is less of s chance of affecting your breathing while singing and lastly,projection

12 EXPERIENCE Experience comes with Voice maturity preferably beginning at a young age Performance- -Being used to using up the stage and fitting the mood of the song being performed to the gestures and movements that should imply the same mood. Also, connecting to and involving your audience. Voice lessons – practice range, singing from the diaphragm, opening of the voice and voice control. Focusing on different ways to maintain your voice on when traveling on tours for example (to avoid vocal strain and damage).

13 KEY SKILLS You should be an easy person to cooperate with especially dealing with fellow musicians, conductors, producers, etc. Also being able to accept rejection should be handled well. For example, in an audition for a specific part and you do not get accepted, you should be able to be mature, handle the situation accurately and not react ill mannerly.

14 ADDITIONAL SKILLS Singers should be able to: Having a good ear Be flexible with travel Have physical stamina to perform on stage- This concerns being able to sing and still move about on stage while still being able to control your breathing etc. Connect with their audience- using gestures and different movements on stage to entertain and engage their audience.

15 SOURCES areer_Roadmap.html areer_Roadmap.html html html TopResult&FORM=IETR02&pc=WCUG&conversationid= TopResult&FORM=IETR02&pc=WCUG&conversationid

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