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Maribel T. Pierce Bus 299-02 Spring 13. The purpose of this project is to review the tax collections within the United States, providing information form.

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Presentation on theme: "Maribel T. Pierce Bus 299-02 Spring 13. The purpose of this project is to review the tax collections within the United States, providing information form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maribel T. Pierce Bus 299-02 Spring 13

2 The purpose of this project is to review the tax collections within the United States, providing information form different sectors while making comparisons from five different states as well as their population and debt.

3  As you can see California has 5 out of 8 tax categories that are the highest within the 5 comparisons. Wyoming has the lowest tax collection for all of the specified tax categories

4 Tax Category United States 2011Arizona 2011California 2011New York 2011 Texas 2011 Wyoming 2011 Total taxes $760,259,286$12,265,219$116,695,284$67,945,152$43,146,096$2,461,977 General sales and gross receipts $235,939,298$5,874,113$30,996,372$11,581,018$21,793,858$862,805 Alcoholic beverages $5,728,581$63,365$334,178$230,074$871,147$1,680 Motor fuels $39,883,017$774,633$5,705,527$1,609,423$3,108,416$70,176 Tobacco products $17,250,498$327,800$905,245$1,613,010$1,501,797$26,123 Income taxes $300,692,124$3,423,894$60,122,035$40,224,844$0 Individual income $259,309,028$2,863,658$50,508,441$36,209,216$0 Corporation net income $41,383,096$560,236$9,613,594$4,015,628$0 Again in 2011, California is the leading Tax Collector, collecting more taxes than any of the other states 5 out of 8, while Wyoming continues to be the lowest


6 Analysis USArizonaCaliforniaNew YorkTexasWyoming Population311,591,917 6,497,630 37,810,046 19,525,831 25,782,562 568,615 Percentage of US Population100%2.09%12.13%6.27%8.27%0.18% Debt Per Capita$53,331$7,735$10,784$17,338$10,760$3,939 Debt$16,842,676,000,000$50,188,271,000$407,358,845,000$338,423,368,500$27,693,492,000$2,235,289,000 Debt Payment Efforts$70,832,320,602.48$211,068,104.73$1,713,158,426.21$1,423,248,451.55$116,465,715.06$9,400,567.17

7 The more money collected, the more money spent, more debt accumulation !

8 (2013). California state budget. Retrieved May 8, 2013 from website: State of Wyoming - a&i budget division. (n.d.). Retrieved from Telles, R. (2012, April 12). State government tax collections summary report: 2011. Retrieved from

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