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4 May 20041 Can the world catch not really increase? Species base statistics.

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1 4 May 20041 Can the world catch not really increase? Species base statistics

2 4 May 20042 Landings of demersal marine fish has not grown since 1970s ( FAO1996)

3 4 May 20043 Landings of small pelagic fish is still increasing with fluctuation anchoveta sardine chub mackerel Atlantic herring

4 4 May 20044 Fig. 1. Global trends of mean trophic level of fisheries landings, 1950 to 1994 Pauly et al. (Science1998:279:860;) Fishing Down– Is this bad? Marine areas inland areas Peruvian anchovy increased mean trophic level Catch of lower trophic levels is a smaller impact. Decrease of mean trophic level in environment is bad.

5 4 May 20045 Whales consume fish more than human (Tamura & Ohsumi 1997)

6 4 May 20046 Two phenotypes of whales-fisheries competition idea By Japan Gov. Whales destroy the ocean. “ a complicated food web structure, indirect effects of culling top predator (whales) on abundance of target fish is either positive or negative,...” By Yodzis 2001 Trend Ecol Evol Fisheries destroy the ocean.

7 4 May 20047 Who is more familiar with environment? Rich or poor nations? Analysis of Ecological footprint ( source WWF 2002) EFP World2.28 High Income6.48 Intermediate1.99 Low income0.83 EFP Afganistan0.95 Iraq1.38 Israel4.44 Germany4.71 Japan4.77 Canada8.84 USA9.70 EFP: global ha/person

8 4 May 20048 Pelagic fish stock is unstable -- species replacement -- Catch in Japan (1000 mt) Anchovy Horse mackerels Pacific saury Chub mackerel Sardine Matsuda & Katsukawa 2002 Fish Oceangr

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