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Second World War Atomic Bomb. Content Why the atomic bomb needed to drop in Nagasaki? Should United States apologizes from dropping the atomic bomb to.

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Presentation on theme: "Second World War Atomic Bomb. Content Why the atomic bomb needed to drop in Nagasaki? Should United States apologizes from dropping the atomic bomb to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second World War Atomic Bomb

2 Content Why the atomic bomb needed to drop in Nagasaki? Should United States apologizes from dropping the atomic bomb to Japan?

3 What’s Happening? Hiroshima Nagasaki Hiroshima

4 Why the atomic bomb needed to drop in Nagasaki? It’s because…

5 According to the earliest selected from, there are 17 Japan cities were chosen. After selections of the committee, four cities were chosen. According to their importance. But when the committee was reporting the list, the Secretary of State Stimson strongly opposed and therefore Nagasaki was chosen. The bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima was bomb according to the list: Hiroshima, Ogura and Nagasaki. If the weather was bad in the first city, the bomb will dropped on the next city. Hiroshima was in good weather and the bomb dropped in Hiroshima. Before they bomb Nagasaki, because Niigata was too far away, it was deleted on the list. And the list becomes Ogura and Nagasaki. On that day, Ogura was in bad weather and therefore the bomb dropped in Nagasaki.

6 Should United States apologizes from dropping the atomic bomb to Japan?

7 “It was war, the purpose of war is to destroy as much of the enemy as possible and to cause as much destruction as possible. It is a sad reality of life that is the purpose of war that is why we try at all cost to avoid going to war.”He said “It was war, the purpose of war is to destroy as much of the enemy as possible and to cause as much destruction as possible. It is a sad reality of life that is the purpose of war that is why we try at all cost to avoid going to war.” A men from United States said that The United States should NOT apologize for dropping the two atomic bombs on Japan.

8 Point of view of Japanese about the apologize

9 Point of view of The United States about the apologize

10 Conclusion In our position, this question will never have a possible answer….unless one side are willing to apologizes

11 Data and Duties Data: n/index?qid=20100420074403AA PA1Ia ana/himalia2.htm stion/index?qid=20110426224603 AAF0zK0 Otnd2_Xeo5g p?id=23634 pecial/trinity/supplyment/ ml

12 Data and Duties Duties: Newspaper P.2Michael Tang DesignMichael & Lydia Newspaper P.7 and P.8Lydia Pak Data Searching P.6Vanessa Chan Data Searching P.5Holly Wong


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