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Joint Programming Workshop Conclusions 21 January 2014, Antigua, Guatemala.

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1 Joint Programming Workshop Conclusions 21 January 2014, Antigua, Guatemala

2 Joint Programming has added value in strengthening political, policy and technical dialogue, JP has short term transaction costs but hope for long-term benefits, JP should develop common positions, improves access to and sharing of information and analysis through regular HoC meetings,

3 JP is becoming a necessity with ODA shrinking as a proportion of national resources, the rise of emerging donors and increasing private sector investment in partner countries, Better coordination and sharing of responsibilities (labour) increases the EU’s reach and ability to analyse and influence national and sector policies (e.g. in producing policy papers),

4 Synchronisation is the process of aligning the strategy part of the joint programme to a relevant timetable (e.g. a government development plan) and roadmap at country level, JP happens with the willing and able but is always open to increasing participation from like-minded donors, JP is built and focuses on policy and strategies donors agree on,

5 Where disagreements and lack of consensus delay the process, HQs should be notified and requested to resolve, HQ services are available to support as requested, Share the workload with the MS and EUD (for ownership as well as quality), Elaborate results (if possible common results) at the country level,

6 JP builds on Division of Labour at sector level that should encourage EU sharing of workloads (and coordination), accountability and ensure inclusivity, Look for added value opportunities at country level, Demonstrate value to partner countries; focus on better working relationships with government and policy makers as well as technical officers.

7 JP should focus on improving EU+ knowhow on government entry points and opportunities to influence positive policy change, DoL is based on a common vision, Joint programming should commit to promoting joint analysis, monitoring, evaluation and implementation at the sector level, Be flexible and simple,

8 JP should commit and contribute to effective government led sector coordination, There is a need for JP guidance, Implementation should be monitored and good practice examples shared for country level implementation, The EU HoCs should meet regularly, jointly report on and monitor implementation of the JP,} Modalities for including non-EU donors.

9 Guatemala Next Steps Sign (MoU) by end May 2014, In 2015 conduct an analysis and propose a strategic response (based on existing coordination), From 2017 there will be a coordinated response in the sectors, Annual reporting and monitoring between now and 2017.

10 El Salvador Next Steps Will dialogue with new government in Sep/Oct after elections – next steps in 2015, Will use existing good programmes to help coordination for 2015 onwards, Hold briefing with MS in first quarter 2014 and discuss the idea of developing a road map, 2014 will begin joint analysis but common response only 2015 onwards when new government is in place, Will present the JP concept to the donor community.

11 Bolivia Next Steps Donor Sector Mapping with Financial Allocations, Discuss and define how to organize the workload and division of labour, Discussion on orphaned sectors and if the EU+ will respond, Identify Pilot Activities for the JP, Clarify the protocol around Switzerland’s involvement, Agree JP document by end 2015, Consultations with Government on JP (for 2017).

12 Honduras Next Steps JP in 2017 and will work to ensure flexibility in the roadmap (all donors already synchronised), JP will focus on a sector based approach grounded in current sector work (and looking closer at in sector DoL/ coordination of labour), A joint analysis will be conducted in 2014 based on the new government’s strategy and to check the EU’s approach (endorse and interim approach) – this will involve the desks in HQ through VC, Dialogue with government on joint programming in 2014 (for JP in 2017).

13 Haiti Next Steps Will hire an expert to help with coordination, Will establish a calendar to coordinate better and exchange information, 11 th EDF Analysis supports coordinated EU approach in terms of sector concentrations, Sector mapping to happen at a later stage, Using state building contract to coordinate policy dialogue and monitoring with like-minded donors and Government

14 Nicaragua Next Steps MoU with Government Agreeing to do JP in 2018 under the leadership of Gov, Updated roadmap with more detailed activities/ common positions to be approved by HoMs in 2014, Establish a working group to elaborate a joint country analysis with sector mapping and identifying focal sectors (led by individual donors in dialogue with government), Web portal and brochure (blue book) for information sharing (if possible), Start discussion on a results oriented framework.

15 Paraguay Next Steps Only EU and Spain have large multi-annual programming – JP with Spain in 2018, Joint analysis and joint response with common objectives will be attempted in 2014, There is already good DoL and coordination – better communication to HQs, Value Added in better distributing the workload and sharing information at sector levels, communication and possibly a brochure, will continue discussions on monitoring against a results framework with indicators from the development plan, sectors, process indicators, Need more communication with government.

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