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5 th March 2010. Scale of ambition International is centre stage Transition to a low(er) growth environment Emphasis on process and service.

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Presentation on theme: "5 th March 2010. Scale of ambition International is centre stage Transition to a low(er) growth environment Emphasis on process and service."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th March 2010

2 Scale of ambition International is centre stage Transition to a low(er) growth environment Emphasis on process and service


4 More effective and efficient service provision across the University Greater clarity of responsibility Closer working relationships between the central services and the Faculties A structure that allows us to continue to grow and is fit for purpose for the future

5 (Total 856)


7 £m Income17.5 Payroll21.2 Non-Payroll14.3 (based on the 09/10 budget)

8 All Divisional Directors now in place Consistent Job descriptions and delegations Immediate priorities clear in most areas Organisational issues within Divisions being dealt with Need to ensure full alignment with University Strategy

9 Capital programme Space utilisation Bond restructuring IT resilience ERDF/HEIF Graduate employment progress International partnerships Improved HR support

10 Stronger Lancaster brand Management information gaps Business development/diversification with industry Changes in the student body Here at Lancaster Overseas campus Speed of process/systems change Recruiting and retaining the right people Working across boundaries Doing all of this as resources are squeezed

11 Stronger Lancaster brand Management information gaps Business development/diversification with industry Changes in the student body Here at Lancaster Overseas campus Speed of process/systems change Recruiting and retaining the right people Working across boundaries Doing all of this as resources are squeezed

12 Payroll efficiencies of £1m+ in real terms for 2010/11 Creates savings and room for re-investment (£400k) Zero base approach to non-payroll budgets Opportunity to focus on priorities.

13 Need to reflect University priorities Shared services Cut out unnecessary process Identify waste Active supplier management


15 Source: EMS 2008/09

16 Finance Review / Agresso Residences system PAP phase 1 Recruitment / Flexible benefits On line store

17 Revised delegations New policy (Finance, HR etc) New guidance

18 HR system CRM

19 PG acceptances up 40% year on year Conversion rate 17% from 12.6%




23 Duplicate record keeping Printing of purchase orders Monitoring of trivia

24 Clear ownership Proper resourcing

25 PAP (Phase 2) Sophia Alumni and Development E-Expenses HR manager self-service User identity Management Web (pending)


27 Basic data (e.g. on staff and students) Regular reports Information for decisions KPIs

28 Basic housekeeping/data custodians Review of key systems (Agresso/LUSI etc.) Re-launch Decision Support Project Completion of student profiles and performance project Response to Faculty concerns on student data Support for Director of Planning



31 More joined up approach required to large companies Matrix management inevitable Discussions on roles ongoing Need to revisit CRM Probably need clearer statement on areas of focus Mechanism to resolve all this through BEB

32 Setting an example Clear contact points with Faculties (Partner model) Visibility and transparency of targets Strategic Plan workshop

33 1) Major Themes Stop it (STIG) International partnerships Student Journey 2) Just do it Finance and procurement shared service Energy savings Recognising successes

34 Sets high standards (World Class) Preferred partner Somewhere people want to work A learning organisation that embraces change Prepared to take a lead (and to follow) Problems discussed openly












46 International partnerships Innovation management Student lifecycle Process/systems change Staff development

47 To provide services in support of our core business (Teaching, Research and, Knowledge Transfer) To provide professional advice and support based on a range of specialisms To support the development and implementation of the strategic plan To help manage risk and compliance issues To do those things that can be best done in a single place on behalf of the University as a whole

48 Getting the basics right Doing more with less Pace of change Clarity of process Building the right relationships with faculties Getting the right people involved at the right time Demonstrating success (KPIs/benchmarking) Internal communications


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