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Keith Johnston Research Group Nanotechnology/Colloid Science CPE 5.414 512-471-4617 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical.

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Presentation on theme: "Keith Johnston Research Group Nanotechnology/Colloid Science CPE 5.414 512-471-4617 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keith Johnston Research Group Nanotechnology/Colloid Science CPE 5.414 512-471-4617 Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Imaging and Therapeutics –Magnetic/optical/therapeutic nanoparticles -cancer and atherosclerosis –Protein drug delivery (oral, depot, pulmonary, parenteral) Nanotechnology for Energy: Fundamentals and Applications –Nanocrystal/Mesoporous composites Supercapacitors and batteries Catalysis- fuel cells, water oxidation –Nanotechnology for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO 2 Sequestration Electromagnetic imaging Emulsions/foams for mobility control

2 Molec. Specific Magnetic/Optical Imaging and Therapy: Carcinogenesis and Atherosclerosis (Sokolov, Emelianov, Milner) Portable imaging ultrasound, photoacoustic opt. coherence tomography Emelianov, Milner  Molecular Mechanisms  Early Detection  Prognosis  Treatment  Monitoring Include drug payloads Antibody, siRNA targeting Optical properties- theory

3 Novel concept: build nanoclusters from nanoparticles 30 nm end-to-end Antibodies, siRNA Small size (20 to 50 nm): challenging to synthesize * permeation of cell membranes, leaky vasculature in cancers * prolonged circulation in bloodstream * modulate biological pathways including apoptosis Nanoclusters of nanoparticles * pack intense and variable functionality (like viral capscids) * optical(gold), and magnetic(iron oxide) : imaging * targeting agents (Abs, siRNA) * drugs for delivery

4 4 Monoclonal Antibodies for Cancer, Cardiovascular and Infectious Diseases: Need for Drug Delivery “ pg > 20% of all biopharmaceuticals in clinical trials are mAbs Therapeutic goal: 400 mg in 1 ml sub-Q injection instead of IV Our approach: suspensions instead of solutions- min. electroviscous effects for particles instead of protein molecules

5 Nanoparticle-mesoporous support composites in catalysis and energy storage (Dan Slanac, Mehul Patel) (Supercapacitors, batteries, fuel cells, water oxidation etc.) Homogeneous Nucleation Growth Metal-org 1 precursor Metal-org 2 precursor Reduction in solvent in presence of ligands (oleic acid) Support Infusion Presynthesis of bimetallic catalysts control nanocrystal size, compostion, surface atoms Infuse into well-ordered mesoporous materials dispersibility metal-support interactions + 3-10 nm pores

6 Electrochemical supercapacitors for high power density and energy density (high stability vs batteries) Adsoption of ions on surface(e.g. Li + ) (MnO 2 ) surface + C + + e - ↔ (MnO 2 - C + )surface Surface redox reaction MnO 2 + C+ + e- ↔ MnOOC Energy Density (Wh/kg) MnO 2 nanoparticles in conformal film on mesoporous C- high surf area, rapid diffusion 16 wt% MnO2

7 Magnetic Nanoparticle Sensors for Oil reservoirs and CO 2 sequestration  Nano size: flows freely in porous media  Surface coating adjusts contact angle and adsorption at interface  Uniform size: well-structured monolayer at interface with unique rheology/elasticity  Electromagnetic field generates acoustic waves from moving interface   water CO 2 water CO 2 water PV injected C/C o 10-md Limestone All injected particles eluted

8 –Bionanoparticles:Avi Murthy, Jasmine Tam 5.432 –Protein delivery: Andrea Miller 5.428 –Energy: Dan Slanac 5.426, 30

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