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COMPILER OVERVIEW. Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing)  c = (a + b) * (a + b);

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2 Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing)  c = (a + b) * (a + b);

3 Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing, AST)  Semantic Analysis (Types, Scopes…)

4 Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing, AST)  Semantic Analysis (Types, Scopes…)  Generate Intermediate Representation(IR) t1 = a + b t2 = a + b t3 = t1 + t2 c = t3

5 Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing, AST)  Semantic Analysis (Types, Scopes…)  Generate Intermediate Representation(IR)  Optimization t1 = a + b t2 = a + b t3 = t1 + t2 c = t3 t1 = a + b t3 = t1 + t1 c = t3

6 Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing, AST)  Semantic Analysis (Types, Scopes…)  Generate Intermediate Representation(IR)  Optimization  Code Generation t1 = a + b t3 = t1 + t1 c = t3 lw $1, a lb $2, b add $3, $1, $2 add $4, $3, $3 st $4, c


8 Task 1: Lexing #include int main() { printf(“Hello World!\n”); } 015:_Tokens int main ( ) { printf ( “Hello World!\n” ) ; }

9 Task 2: Parsering int main ( ) { printf ( “Hello World!\n” ) ; } Use context-free grammar to build Parse Tree(a.k.a. concrete syntax tree) Build Abstract Syntax Tree(a.k.a. syntax tree) by walking on Parse Tree

10 Tools & Grading  Following tools are allowed:  lex / yacc / Quex / flex / bison  re2c / lemon  Jflex / CUP  ANTLR (v4)  Ragel  This phase will be manually judged in code review.

11 An Appetizer  A toy compiler as a tutorial written by Xiao Jia  Notice: you may not find IR phase in it.  You will find it VERY IMPORTANT if you have no idea to start.  Description:  Source Code:

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