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Introduction to Computer Graphics Dr.Giorgos A. Demetriou Dr. Stephania Loizidou Himona Computer Science Department Frederick University.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Computer Graphics Dr.Giorgos A. Demetriou Dr. Stephania Loizidou Himona Computer Science Department Frederick University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Computer Graphics Dr.Giorgos A. Demetriou Dr. Stephania Loizidou Himona Computer Science Department Frederick University

2 2 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 2 Text Book  These presentations are meant to accompany the textbook “Interactive Computer Graphics, A Top-down Approach with OpenGL (Third Edition) by Edward Angel.  These presentations have been developed based on the slides created by Edward Angel.

3 3 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 3 References  Other helpful references  OpenGL: A Primer, Ed Angel, Addison-Wesley, 2002  Designed for students who need more programming information  The OpenGL Programmer’s Guide (the Redbook) and the OpenGL Reference Manual (The Blue book), Addison- Wesley.

4 4 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 4 Web Resources  

5 5 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 5 Outline  Chapter 1: Introduction  What is Computer Graphics?  Applications Areas  History  Image formation  Basic Architecture

6 6 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 6 Outline (cont.)  Chapters 2-3: Basic OpenGL  Architecture  GLUT  Simple programs in two and three dimensions  Interaction

7 7 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 7 Outline (cont.)  Part 3: Three-Dimensional Graphics  Chapters 4-6: 3D Graphics  Geometry  Transformations  Homogeneous Coordinates  Viewing  Shading

8 8 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 8 Outline (cont.)  Chapter 7: Discrete Methods  Buffers  Bitmaps and Pixel Maps  Texture Mapping  Compositing and Transparency

9 9 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 9 Outline (cont.)  Chapter 8: Implementation  Approaches (object vs image space)  Implementing the pipeline  Clipping  Line drawing  Polygon Fill  Display issues (color)

10 10 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 10 Outline (cont.)  Chapter 9: Hierarchy  Tree Structured Models  Traversal Methods  Scene Graphs

11 11 Demetriou/Loizidou - ACSC330 11 Outline (cont.)  Chapter 10: Curves and Surfaces

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