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Children’s Book Critique Outline Blair Mizelle July 4, 2015 Ivy Tech Community College.

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1 Children’s Book Critique Outline Blair Mizelle July 4, 2015 Ivy Tech Community College

2 Children’s Book Critique Outline Book One Title: You Can Be a Friend Author(s): Tony Dungy and Lauren Dungy Publisher: An imprint of Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing Division Copyright: 2011 Book Two Title: You Can Do It! Author: Tony Dungy Publisher: An imprint of Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing Division Copyright: 2008

3 Summary- You Can Be a Friend Jade was so thrilled to see that a new girl was moving into her neighborhood. However when she meets the new neighbor Hannah she is taken aback because Hannah is in a wheelchair. With encouragement from her parents, Jade gets to know Hannah. They become best friends. Jade comes to a decision that she has to make. With her birthday party at the park she realizes that Hannah could not come. She struggles with the decision to either continue on with her plans or to revamp them. Jade then asks her mom if she can change her party to being at the zoo instead of the water park. The moral of the story is to not judge people on the way that they look and that you can be friends with anyone!

4 Summary- You Can Do It! Growing up Tony knew that football was going to be his dream. His sisters Sherri and Lauren always knew that they wanted to become nurses. However, Linden could not seem to have a dream of his own. Linden was a class clown. His teacher had called home and said he was “quacking” in class again. Once Linden came home he said it was because his tooth was hurting. His father had a talk with him about why he was really upset and Linden told him it was because he did not have a dream. His father prayed for him at the dinner table. The next day his father took him to the dentist but before the went to the dentist they took a trip to his father’s lab. Linden then found out what he was passionate about. Linden’s father began to explain that he had plenty of time to figure out what he wanted to do. Once at the dentist Linden became intrigued with how the dentist filled his cavity and what he was doing. The next day at school, for show and share he came as a dentist. He explained all of the amazing things that he learned. He now wanted to become a dentist so he could make people smile. The moral of this story is to trust in God and dream big because those dreams may be answered in very unexpected ways.

5 Positive Factors You Can Be a Friend Great moral Good plot Multicultural Relatable Teaches child not to judge others on the way they look You Can Do It! Great moral Speaks to all audiences Multicultural Teaches child to never give up Teaches child to have faith in God

6 Negative Factors You Can Be a Friend Only one race throughout One viewpoint (Child’s) You Can Do It Only one race throughout One viewpoint (child’s) Lack depth

7 Characters- You Can Be a Friend Males (4) Father Eric Jordan Justin There is one more male character than there is female. Females (3) Jade Hannah Mother

8 Characters- You Can Do It! Males (4) Tony Father Linden Dr. Clarke There is one more male character then there is female. Females (3) Mother Sherri Lauren

9 Stereotypical Situations? You Can Be a Friend The female character (Jade) was judging Hannah because she was in a wheelchair You Can Do It! Male characters were involved in sports

10 Message The message in these two books, You Can Be a Friend and You Can Do It! Were both the same for males and females. Males and females can both relate to these two books and can learn a very good lesson from them.

11 Multicultural Books? These two books are multicultural because they have a specific race involved in them, their culture, and their values. In both books the races involved are African American. Their culture and values portray a lot about them. In both books they talk about their faith in God. The moral of the story in both books have to deal with God being their and making miricles.

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