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Bell Ringer 12/10 & 12/11 1.) The Industrial Revolution began in a.) France b.) United States c.) Britain d.) Netherlands 2.) Have you made anything by.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 12/10 & 12/11 1.) The Industrial Revolution began in a.) France b.) United States c.) Britain d.) Netherlands 2.) Have you made anything by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 12/10 & 12/11 1.) The Industrial Revolution began in a.) France b.) United States c.) Britain d.) Netherlands 2.) Have you made anything by hand before? What was it? What were the advantages/disadvantages of making something by hand?

2 Objectives 1.Describe what the Industrial Revolution was 2.Describe what events helped bring about the Industrial Revolution 3.Explain why the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain 4.Analyze the social and economic impact of the Industrial Revolution

3 What was the Industrial Revolution? Shift from hand tools to machines Started in Great Britain around 1750 and lasted until 1850 Was a long and slow process

4 What events brought about the Industrial Revolution? 1). Agricultural Revolution a. Improved quality and quantity of farm products & methods – Crop Rotation – Farm Journals – Jethro Tull: Seed Drill Helped to increase food production

5 What events brought about the Industrial Revolution? 1). Agricultural Revolution b.Enclosure: taking over land that was once shared by peasants (small to large farms) – Increased output = a decrease demand for farm workers – Many former farm workers move into cities for work



8 What events brought about the Industrial Revolution? 1). Agricultural Revolution c.Population Explosion – Increased agriculture output = people healthier, well fed, & healthy babies – Increase in sanitation awareness and medical care = healthy people who live longer



11 Effects of Agricultural Improvements Man with hand tools __________ make work More Efficient Need less __________to work on land so farmers move to___________ Machines create more food at a ________ price Food is more affordable and thus ________ the standard of living Population ___________ because of food surplus, improved sanitation and medicine

12 What events brought about the Industrial Revolution? 2). Technology increases production a.Energy Revolution – Thomas Newcoman: creates steam engine powered by coal – James Watt: Modifies the steam engine to power machines = used in trains and steam ships Considered the most important invention of the Ind. Rev.

13 7 th Inning Stretch During the Industrial Revolution, life changed in what basic way? a.) People migrated from cities to small towns b.) People migrated from villages to work on large farms c.) People migrated from rural areas to cities d.) People migrated from the colonies to England

14 Why Great Britain? Three Elements of Success – Factors of Production: Land Labor Capital


16 Why Great Britain? 1.Land: natural resources like coal/iron - island nation access to water = trade & communication – Abundance of Iron and Coal – coal helps make iron

17 Why Great Britain? 2.Labor: ready workforce, population explosion

18 Why Great Britain? 3. Capital: money from slave trade, stable government, Investments in Industry and Transportation a. Industry i. Textile Industry: Shifts from cottage industry to mass production (goods produced in large quantity at lower cost) - Flying Shuttle: Weaves yarn faster - Spinning Jenny: Spins many threads to yarn faster -Water Frame: machine powered by water weaves yarn to cloth -Cotton Gin: Invented by Eli Whitney : a seed separator

19 Why Britain? 3.Capital Continued…. a. Industry ii. Transportation -Need for faster movement of goods -Turnpikes: Private road, pay fee -Canals -Steam Locomotives

20 Video

21 Make Generalizations What impact did the steam engine have on the growth of British industry? Answer(s): major impact; used in textile mills, factories could be located away from rivers, powered locomotives and ships, led to development of coal as a resource, more factories built near northern coal mines

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