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Future Classroom: a Research Issue or an Innovation?

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Presentation on theme: "Future Classroom: a Research Issue or an Innovation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Future Classroom: a Research Issue or an Innovation?
Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology, National Central University, Taiwan Hsue-Yie Wang, Sams

2 Research & Innovation Research is the transformation of money into knowledge Innovation is the transformation of knowledge into money ~ Geoff Nicholson, Inventor of the Post-It Note

3 Outline The evolution of technology in the classroom
Future Classroom research & development Future Classroom in the near future Conclusion

4 Outline The evolution of technology in the classroom
Future Classroom research & development Future Classroom in the near future Conclusion

5 Classroom changes

6 Classroom changes

7 Classroom changes

8 Classroom changes

9 Classroom changes

10 Classroom technology evolution timeline
overhead projector 1700 1800 1900 computer 2000 filmstrip projector chalkboard educational television Interactive whiteboard radio 1801: the first chalkboard was invented by James Pillans, headmaster of the Old High School of Edinburgh, Scotland 1925: filmstrip projector 1925: radio 1930: overhead projector 1958: educational TV 1980: personal computer 1999: IWB

11 How long does the FUTURE mean?

12 Outline The evolution of technology in the classroom
Future Classroom research & development Future Classroom in the near future Conclusion

13 ACOT Apple Classrooms Of Tomorrow
initiated in 1985 and sustained through 1995 to study how the routine use of technology by teachers and students might change teaching and learning to identify effective models for teaching and learning with technology, developing the professional lives of teachers, and diffusing innovation

14 OLPC 2005.1: Professor Nicholas Negroponte from MIT announced OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project in the World Economic Forum

15 Future classroom research from NCU
2002.5: NCU research team announced one-to-one educational computing and the experimental results Interactive Classroom Server Daemon Block Connection Management Block Synchronous Activity Control Block Interactive Instruction Center Learning Broadcast Control Module Protocol Parsing Module Message Delivery Module Connection Management Response Control Module Highly Interactive Protocols Authentication Module Access Point Interactive Classroom Server Resource & Class Management Server Interactive Learning Center Interactive Instruction Center Group 1 2 3 4 Introductory discussion Group G1 G2 G3 G4 Group discussion & information gathering Co - constructing group product 5 Peer evaluations among groups Presentations 6 Conclusion and conclusion Discussion and

16 Learning Flow … … Learning Episode 1 Learning Episode 2
Learning Episode #n Learning Function a Learning Function b Learning Function c Learning Function d Learning Function x content participant action video individual student presentation WWW teacher group group discussion e-book voting report

17 Learning flow editing tool
A learning flow consists a sequence of learning episodes A learning episode composed by a set of learning functions Learning functions Label of learning episode Label of learning flow

18 Pedagogical model of NCU’s future classroom research

19 System log analysis the logs show that the time teacher used in interaction is more than lecturing the results indicate that this system enables students working in groups and learning from doing

20 Statistical result of the questionnaire
Type Question Average Points Overall I am more concentrate in the WiTEC 3.76 Using MLD is more convenient for group collaborative learning 3.77 Using MLD is more convenient for me to learn individually 4.16 I like using MLD to produce report 3.84 I like to learn in the WiTEC 4.36 I hope I can continue to learn in the WiTEC 4.57 Individual function The annotation function is helpful for me to take note on learning materials 3.82 Using voting function can save much time in class 4.54 I can concentrate on the activity while the teacher locking my MLD frame 4.07 The black screen function makes me concentrate on the teacher’s lecturing 3.92 The colored signal shown on the screen makes me concentrate on the activity 4.30 The teacher broadcasts materials to me directly help me to learn 4.42 The teacher retrieves and discusses our works on the electronic whiteboard help me to understand further 4.10 The teacher retrieves my work to present to whole class makes me proud

21 Outline The evolution of technology in the classroom
Future Classroom research & development Future Classroom in the near future Conclusion

22 Market status of IWB

23 Learning devices

24 Market status of IRS Futuresource Consulting, 2008

25 One of the models for the near future classroom
Teaching Teaching devices IWB Document camera Tablet Assessment Assessing tools Clicker On-line testing Card reader Test paper Diagnosis Automatic learning diagnosis system Automatic assessment analyzing system Student portfolio system Remediation Lecture capture system On-line learning material

26 e-Teaching

27 e-Assessing Instant evaluations on students’ understanding

28 e-Diagnosing

29 e-Remediation

30 Outline The evolution of technology in the classroom
Future Classroom research & development Future Classroom in the near future Conclusion

31 Doing innovation "In my view, the word innovation has become overused, cliched, and meaningless….. because they are so much easier to talk about than to do.“ ~ Andy Grove, former chairman of Intel Corp.

32 Conclusions FUTURE CLASSROOM should not be a research issue only
Start up from a simple, implementable, but effective model

33 Thank you! Eee Learning – Engage, Enrich, Enhance
Iii Teaching – Interact, Innovate, Improve

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