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Turning The Tide Together The crucial role of Mayors.

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1 Turning The Tide Together The crucial role of Mayors

2 Home to just under 4 million people, 30 000 employed by the Metro 40% of residents are between the ages of 18 and 49 Major economic driver is the financial sector High levels of in-migration (national and international) Hardest hit by the HIV epidemic in Gauteng province High number of people living in informal settlements – mostly young single females 2001 - the City adopted HIV and AIDS as a Mayoral Priority Programme 2005 the City adopts an HIV and AIDS workplace policy The approach is to align to National Strategy on HAST and to the GDS 2040 Prevalence trends at 21% (HCT), national at 17% (WHO) Introduction

3 2001 – 2011 HIV Programme Clinical o Established ARV sites o Adopts NIMART programme o HIV Counselling and Testing o Training o Research Workplace o Prevention o Peer Educators o HCT o NIMART Prevention o Education programmes o Condom Distribution o Peer Educator Training o Communities at Risk

4 Progress to Date One in five People test positive for HIV 54% of men always use a condomAbsenteeism rate reduced to 1.04% 66% have been tested and know their status60% HIV positive employees uses the workplace programme 70% men will disclose their STI or HIV resultsTB cure rate at 82.2% PMTCT rate reduced to 2.7%85% of TB patients have been tested for HIV

5 GDS 2040 Goal By 2040, the City aims to zero levels of new HIV infections, deaths and stigma Proactive interventions are already in place, special emphasis is on adopting a socially driven combination prevention strategy

6 Johannesburg 2001 - 2040

7 At all clinics, patients should ALWAYS HAVE ACCESS to: HIV Counselling and Testing HIV Treatment Drugs and other medicinal requirements Delivery of integrated services 1 stop consulting rooms Accessibility

8 Mayoral Aids Fund Uses funds from the annual Golf Day to support ward based NGO’s. Since 2005, have donated over $800 000 to small NGO’s working in HIV and AIDS L eadership Johannesburg Aids Council Chaired by the Executive Mayor where he provides direction to the 19 sector member invited from the civil society

9 Reduced incidence of new HIV infections to zero Reduce HIV related sickness and deaths See more people living longer healthier lives Reduce work absenteeism related to HIV and AIDS Increased productivity due to improved health Stabilise our communities Impact

10 Active participation at campaigns −HIV and AIDS, STI & TB Campaigns −World Aids Day is a Mayoral event in the CoJ −Participating in the door to door HIV education campaigns Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi being tested at the ABSA bank HCT launch MEC Health, Ntombi Mekgwe and MM: Molwele leading the 2011 World Aids Day march City Manager, Trevor Fowler and MMC Molwele leading the launch of the Healthy Living Lifestyle campaign – Soweto Visibility

11 Education Promote healthy living lifestyles Encourage regular testing for HIV and TB An active HIV and AIDS policy dedicated for staff Education, education, education Upscale combination prevention methods 1.4 million people tested through HCT in 2010/11 700 000 people reached through door to door HIV education 3.8m condoms distributed in high risk communities in 2011

12 Joint Effort Government cannot do it alone – adopted a multi-sectoral approach In Partnership with Pepfar and local NGO’s to increase impact Always engaging communities – feedback is critical Create innovative space for civil society space

13 Offensive The GDS 2040 goal is a City that is liveable, sustainable and resilient. Contained in this goal, the City aims to reduce HIV and AIDS prevalence to zero by 2040. The only way to achieve this is to ATTACK the virus aggressively, by implementing every prevention programme that is available ARV MMC PMTCTPMTCT PCR FAMILY PLANNING Cervical cancer screening TB PEP Peer Education CONDOM DISTRIBUTION Cryptococal screening Treat all STI’s Prevention programmes Community HIV Education Ijozi Ihlomile

14 Business Unsual… Unconventional solutions for an unconventional disease – HHP Find revolutionary and innovative responses to the epidemic Adopt new groundbreaking methods and initiatives Improve the quality of life for the infected and affected

15 In addition to the current programmes, we plan to strengthen Men health services: o education and awareness o upscale male initiated prevention methods o increase the number of men testing for HIV and other diseases o Make the services more accessible to males 57% males have been circumcised 2010, KABP

16 Realistic Programmes Budget allocations Timeframes Targets Expectations Partners Staff Communities Results

17 Gauge Check progress – annually, five yearly and every ten years GDS 2040 – Measure HIV prevalence every 5 years Impact and relevance to the community Alignment to national and international goals The 30 year mission is to transform the lives of the poorest communities and improve access to services. One of the measurement will be the health profile of the people of Johannesburg City of Johannesburg Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS, STI, TB: 2012 - 2016

18 Alignment to GDS 2040 and national plans on HIV and AIDS, STI & TB Increased space for innovative solutions from civil society Address structural and social drivers o Know our wards and communities o Know the social and structural drivers to infection o Reduce internalised stigmatisation o Improve on our records on human rights towards HIV positive people Way Forward Continuity is key sustain what has worked

19 “We need to change course because the people of Joburg deserve it from all of us. We have a collective responsibility to leave a proud legacy for the citizens of this City. Years from now, we must all be able to point out to concrete and revolutionary changes that we have effected in turning the tide against HIV, AIDS and TB.” Executive Mayor, Clr Parks Tau City of Johannesburg A message from the Mayor

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