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General Physics.  A motion that that is regular and repeating  Examples  Circular motion  Mass bouncing up and down on a spring  Pendulums.

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Presentation on theme: "General Physics.  A motion that that is regular and repeating  Examples  Circular motion  Mass bouncing up and down on a spring  Pendulums."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Physics

2  A motion that that is regular and repeating  Examples  Circular motion  Mass bouncing up and down on a spring  Pendulums

3  motion that returns an object to its rest position  caused by a restoring force that is directly proportional to the objects displacement

4  Bob:  the mass that at is hung on the end of a string that makes up the pendulum  measured in kg  Length:  Measured from point of attachment to center of bob in the rest position.  measured in meters

5  Rest position:  Also known as the equilibrium position  Located at bottom of swing  Period:  the time for one complete cycle (forward and back to same position)  symbol: T  unit: seconds

6  Frequency:  The number of complete cycles in a period of time  Symbol: f  Unit: 1/s or Hertz

7  Amplitude:  The maximum displacement from the rest position.  Symbol: A  Unit: m  We will measure the amplitude of a pendulum by using a protractor to measure the degrees that the bob is pulled back from the rest position.

8 T=2 Π (l/g) 1/2

9 g = 4 Π 2 (length)/T 2

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