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Focus on Achievement Objective: I can choose the correct meaning/usage of multi- usage words by replacing them with synonyms and antonyms. The Phoenix.

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Presentation on theme: "Focus on Achievement Objective: I can choose the correct meaning/usage of multi- usage words by replacing them with synonyms and antonyms. The Phoenix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus on Achievement Objective: I can choose the correct meaning/usage of multi- usage words by replacing them with synonyms and antonyms. The Phoenix Mars Lander is a NASA spacecraft that landed on the Red Planet in May 2008 to study the history of water and potential for life on the planet. What is another word for potential? A. existence B. situation C. possibility D. qualification

2 Focus on Achievement Objective: I can choose the correct meaning/usage of multi- usage words by replacing them with synonyms and antonyms. “They’ve really gone above and beyond,” Minch said of the array of aquariums, marine rehab centers and other organizations that have taken in turtles. What is a SYNONYM for array? A. review B. assortment C. sections D. construction

3 Focus on Achievement Objective: I can choose the correct meaning/usage of multi- usage words by replacing them with synonyms and antonyms. It’s an unprecedented occurrence, and the scope of the rescue project has grown each day. What is a SYNONYM for occurrence? A. event B. concept C. endeavor D. problem

4 Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes 8 th Grade

5 How do you use knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words? (0801.1.13) Essential Question Objective I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

6 Why Study Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes? English is a living language, and it is growing all the time. One way that new words come into the language is when words are borrowed from other languages. New words are also created when words or word elements, such as roots, prefixes, and suffixes, are combined in new ways. Many English words and word elements can be traced back to Latin and Greek. Often you can guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word if you know the meaning. I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

7 Why Study Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes? A word root is a part of a word. It contains the core meaning of the word, but it cannot stand alone. A prefix is also a word part that cannot stand alone. It is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. A suffix is a word part that is placed at the end of a word to change its meaning. Often you can guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word if you know the meaning of its parts; that is, the root and any prefixes or suffixes that are attached to it. I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

8 Today's roots and affixes 1.Ad: prefix, from Latin 2.Astro: prefix, from Greek 3.Hetero: prefix, Greek 4.Paleo: prefix, Greek 5.Bene: prefix, Latin I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

9 ad to, towards adhesive, adapt, addition

10 astro Star, Celestial astronomy, astrology, asteroid

11 hetero different, other heterogeneous, heterocyclic

12 paleo old, ancient Paleolithic, paleontologist

13 bene good, well benefit, beneficial

14 Let's Make Flashcards!!! Root/Affix Definition 3 example words from dictionary Illustration/Picture Example sentence Front of Card Back of Card

15 Let's Make Flashcards!!! Act Def: do Ex: action, activity, activate Lights, camera, action! Front of Card Back of Card

16 Today's roots and affixes 1.Ject: from Latin 2.Stella: from Latin 3.Al: from Latin 4.Pend: from Latin 5.De: from Latin I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

17 ject throw eject, projectile, injection

18 stella star stellar, constellation, interstellar

19 al Relating to, pertaining to manual, cerebral, animal

20 pend hang, weigh pendulum, pendant, independent

21 de down, away, remove decelerate, dethrone, deplete

22 Let's Make Flashcards!!! Act Def: do Ex: action, activity, activate Lights, camera, action! Front of Card Back of Card

23 Today's roots and affixes 1.flex: from Latin 2.chron: from Greek 3.syn/sym: from Latin 4.fer: from Latin 5.rupt: from Latin I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

24 flex Blend flexible, circumflex

25 chron time chronological, synchronize

26 syn/sym together, with synonym, synthetic present - gift

27 fer, bring carry transfer, ferry

28 rupt break, burst rupture, erupt

29 Let's Make Flashcards!!! Act Def: do Ex: action, activity, activate Lights, camera, action! Front of Card Back of Card

30 Today's roots and affixes 1.ism: from Greek 2.sol: from Latin 3.ize: from Latin 4.cede: from Latin 5.voc: from Latin I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

31 -ism doctrine, condition of, manner of, theory capitalism, heroism, alcoholism

32 sol alone solo, solitude, solitaire

33 -ize to make into, to do crystallize, synchronize

34 cede to go, yield precede, recede

35 voc voice, call advocate, vocabulary

36 Let's Make Flashcards!!! Act Def: do Ex: action, activity, activate Lights, camera, action! Front of Card Back of Card

37 Objective: I can use my knowledge of roots and affixes to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.

38 Wrapping It All Up! Voc Latin Sol Latin Ism Greek Ize Latin Cede Latin Rupt Latin Syn/Sym Latin Fer Latin Chron Greek Flex Latin De Latin Stella Latin Ject Latin Bene Latin Paleo Greek Hetero Greek Ad Latin Astro Greek Al Latin Pend Latin

39 Something to think about... How will you apply your knowledge of roots and affixes in your daily life? Why do we study roots and affixes? How can roots and affixes effect word meaning? Where you might find words containing some of these roots? How will knowing these roots make you a better reader? How can you use this information on TCAP and other tests?

40 Creating a Root Attack Poster The root and its definition should be placed in an area on the poster that makes it easy to see and read— at the top, centered inside something, etc. The root itself should be highlighted by being a different color than all other words. Add illustrations with the related words definitions where possible. Check your spelling.

41 helio sun heliocentric, perihelion

42 neo new neonatal, neophyte

43 temp time temporary, contemporary

44 mal bad dismal, malady, malignant

45 tempo time temporarily, contemporary

46 ante before antecedent, antebellum

47 im not impossible, immature, immeasurable

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