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Kylie, Jewels, Steven, Wes, Matt Steven, Wes, Matt.

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Presentation on theme: "Kylie, Jewels, Steven, Wes, Matt Steven, Wes, Matt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kylie, Jewels, Steven, Wes, Matt Steven, Wes, Matt

2   Minerals are the spark plugs of life because they are required to activate thousands of enzyme reactions within the body  Minerals have two main functions in the body, some minerals are responsible for building the structures in the body like bones, and teeth  Minerals also help to regulate bodily processes Function

3   Trace Minerals are the ones that you need in small quantities, usually less than 100 mg a day, for healthy living  Examples of trace minerals are Zinc, Iron, Manganese, and Copper  Macro Minerals are their opposite, they are needed in larger quantities to sustain normal functions  Examples of Macro Minerals are Calcium, Potassium, Sodium and Iodine Subcategories/ Types of Minerals

4   There are many concerns with taking too little or too many minerals  A few Examples of minerals are: Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, iodine, and selenium. Health Concerns

5   Symptoms of taking too much or too little calcium are:  Taking 1500 to 4000 milligrams of calcium a day can cause bloating, nausea, and constipation.  Doses higher than 4,000 milligrams a day may be linked to kidney damage.  Taking not enough calcium can cause a child’s bones and teeth not to grow strong and straight.  Adult’s bones become weak when not taking enough calcium. Calcium

6   High amounts of magnesium are safe for healthy people.  People with kidney disease that take too much magnesium can cause weak muscles, breathing difficulty, and heart attack. Magnesium

7   Overdosing on iron supplements can cause death; for adults, the dose is estimated to be 200 to 250 milligrams of iron per kilogram of weight  Not taking enough iron can cause shortage of haemoglobin which will make you tired and feel weak  Being deficient in iron can also cause a decrease in intellectual performance Iron

8   Extremely high doses of zinc may cause symptoms of zinc poisoning which involve: vomiting, irritation of the stomach lining and may interfere with your immune system  A good supply of zinc is crucial for making testosterone and healthy sperm. Men who don’t get enough zinc may be temporarily infertile  Not taking enough Zinc can make you lose your appetite and taste for food  It may also weaken your immune system Zinc

9   Overdoses of iodine cause goiters, consuming high amounts of iodine causes your thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones making your throat to swell  A more severe deficiency early in ones life can cause physical and mental retardation. Iodine

10   More than 5 milligrams of selenium a day can cause fragile nails, hair loss, and perspiration with a garlic scent  Taking extremely high amounts of Selenium causes people to suffer from selenium intoxication, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, and nerve damage.  Having not enough selenium can cause muscle pain or weakness, to protect against selenium problems, people should take a good amount of vitamin E. Selenium

11   Some interesting facts about minerals are:  If you get just the right amount then this will help you live a healthy lifestyle.  Too much or too little of minerals can cause serious effects Interesting Facts

12   Calcium you can find in milk, yogurt and other dairy products  Iron you can find in cereal, meat, beans and fish  Zinc is found in cereals and some vegetables  Magnesium is found in green vegetables-spinach is a great source of magnesium  Fish, shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken, liver, and garlic are all good sources of selenium  Fish are good sources of Iodine Related Foods

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