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Bellwork  Please take out the orange or purple Western European map from Friday and use the atlas to complete.  Absent? Get your copy from the file.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork  Please take out the orange or purple Western European map from Friday and use the atlas to complete.  Absent? Get your copy from the file."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork  Please take out the orange or purple Western European map from Friday and use the atlas to complete.  Absent? Get your copy from the file. (Regular = Orange; Honors = Purple)  This is Entry 9/Honors and Entry 8/Regular.  Test is SEPTEMBER 2!

2 How did the ancient peoples of the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia impact the natural environment? AN INVESTIGATION

3  Quick Write  Title: Civilization and the Environment  In notebooks, Entry 9 (Regular)/Entry 10 (Honors).  For each of the three pictures, explain how humans are controlling the natural world. World’s biggest hole- Diamond mine in Russia Fuji City, Japan Inca Terrace Farming

4 Background  Athens and other cities of the ancient and classical eras were the centers of human civilization  Represented the ability to control the natural world  Humans utilized the surrounding environment as resources to build their cities/empires  Mining metals  Cutting trees  Quarrying stones  Demand for resources grew  Trade became essential Illustration, dated 1851, of ancient Athens, Greece. [Library of Congress]

5 Dilemma  As populations grew, people developed different ways to secure necessary resources.  There were many ways but each had similar environmental consequences.  We will be looking at four important ways the people of the ancient Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia impacted their environment The growth of agriculture Hunting, fishing, and the capture of animals Forestry and deforestationThe rise of industry

6 BELLWORK  Please take out your two-column notes from yesterday.  Absent? Get your copy from the manila folder on the front table.  Go ahead and continue working on those two column notes.

7 Task- Part 1  Each student will receive 1 of the 4 dilemmas to read  As you read you will complete a double entry journal  On the left side, copy an important quotation or passage that you would like to respond to (at least one per paragraph).  On the right side, respond to the passage by asking a question, analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, reflecting or making personal connections.  At the end of the journal, write the Main Take Away (the main idea of the article). This can be completed wither either sentences or bullet points.

8 Task – Part 2  Expert Groups  Meet in groups of three or four (same dilemma) and complete your portion of the tree map.

9 Task- Part 3  Students will meet in a group of 4- all dilemmas represented  Each student will share their findings, while the group completes their Tree Map.  Class discussion  Add to your Tree Map.  In a paragraph, answer the essential question providing evidence from the Tree Map and your Double-Entry Journal.  I’ll collect the double entry notes today, the Tree Map goes in your notebook


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