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Guiding Question:  What do good readers do when they read independently and together? Guiding Question:  What do good readers do when they read independently.

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2 Guiding Question:  What do good readers do when they read independently and together? Guiding Question:  What do good readers do when they read independently and together?

3  Book care With a partner, discuss some examples of how to take care of books and how not to take care of books.  Check in/ out procedures What is the procedure for our classroom library?

4 Rules for SSR: 1.Read silently 2.Stay seated 3.No talking or working on other things 4.Everyone reads until the timer goes off Rules for SSR: 1.Read silently 2.Stay seated 3.No talking or working on other things 4.Everyone reads until the timer goes off

5  People who read regularly do better on tests like STAAR  The more words you read the more words you know  The more you read, the better reader you will become  Vocabulary size is the best predictor of reading comprehension  Independent reading should be the single largest source of vocabulary growth


7 WHAT IS SHARED READING?  Students and teacher all have same copy of the text. Can be a book, magazine article, internet article, etc.  Students follow along as teacher or audio reads aloud.  Time for teacher to model reading fluency.

8 RULES FOR SHARED READING  Think about the book!  Stay in your seat.  Be respectful-don’t distract others.  Read along silently-you MUST be looking at the text!  Raise your hand to contribute to class discussions.


10 OUR FIRST SHARED READING TEXT Tuck Everlasting Book Trailer

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