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2 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 2 Funding Authority Regional Innovation Grant (RIG) under National Emergency Grant (NEG) Dislocated Worker funds, pursuant to Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Title I, Section 173, as amended and Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 16-05, Change 5, dated April 27, 2007

3 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 3 Submitted By Town of Hempstead Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) on behalf of the Long Island Business Services Team (LIBST) Town of Hempstead Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) on behalf of the Long Island Business Services Team (LIBST) LIBST includes: LIBST includes: Town of Hempstead/City of Long Beach LWIBTown of Hempstead/City of Long Beach LWIB Town of Oyster Bay Consortium LWIBTown of Oyster Bay Consortium LWIB Suffolk County LWIBSuffolk County LWIB New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Division of Employment Services (DoES)New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Division of Employment Services (DoES) NYSDOL Division of Research and Statistics (R&S)NYSDOL Division of Research and Statistics (R&S) Long Island – Regional Adult Education NetworkLong Island – Regional Adult Education Network New York State Empire State DevelopmentNew York State Empire State Development OthersOthers

4 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 4 Regional Economy Innovation Plan will be constructed upon the Nassau/Suffolk regional economic infrastructure, in coordination with the New York State Department of Labor and other regional partners Innovation Plan will be constructed upon the Nassau/Suffolk regional economic infrastructure, in coordination with the New York State Department of Labor and other regional partners Separate economic identity, distinct industry characteristics, and a workforce that constitutes more than 1.4 million workers Separate economic identity, distinct industry characteristics, and a workforce that constitutes more than 1.4 million workers Population is 2.8 million representing 15% of New York State Population is 2.8 million representing 15% of New York State 77% of residents work in Nassau and Suffolk Counties and 10% work in Brooklyn and Queens 77% of residents work in Nassau and Suffolk Counties and 10% work in Brooklyn and Queens Gross Metropolitan Product 134 billion dollars, ranking the Region as 17th in the Nation Gross Metropolitan Product 134 billion dollars, ranking the Region as 17th in the Nation

5 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 5 Regional Economy (continued) Examples of existing Nassau/Suffolk based strategic alliances: Examples of existing Nassau/Suffolk based strategic alliances: Connect Long Island (Regional Economy Transformation Strategies through a Sector or Cluster Based Approach (NYSDOL RFP #13-NConnect Long Island (Regional Economy Transformation Strategies through a Sector or Cluster Based Approach (NYSDOL RFP #13-N) LIBSTLIBST Long Island Association, Inc. (LIA)Long Island Association, Inc. (LIA)

6 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 6 Regional Economy (continued) Long Island (Nassau/Suffolk) leads New York State in the number of subprime foreclosures Long Island (Nassau/Suffolk) leads New York State in the number of subprime foreclosures 7 of the 10 hardest hit communities in New York State are in Nassau and Suffolk Counties 7 of the 10 hardest hit communities in New York State are in Nassau and Suffolk Counties Unique identity “Cradle of Aviation,” “Put a man on the moon,” etc. Unique identity “Cradle of Aviation,” “Put a man on the moon,” etc. LIRIG will benefit Coney Island to Montauk, along with the larger Metropolitan Area LIRIG will benefit Coney Island to Montauk, along with the larger Metropolitan Area

7 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 7 Labor Market Impacts “The latest data show continued high numbers of persons receiving unemployment benefits in the category of people previously employed in the Finance and Insurance Industry on Long Island. In March of 2008 there were 1,940 beneficiaries from this industry, up from 1,313 in March of 2007. This is an increase of 627 or a 48% increase over the year.” “Long Island’s economic future in many ways hinges on growing an advanced manufacturing sector that can not only provide high-wage jobs, but serve as an inventive, technology innovation center, boosting industries as diverse as modern health care, wireless information, energy, trade, etc.” - Gary Huth, NYSDOLR&S, Labor Market Analyst

8 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 8 Core Regional Leadership Group and Key Project Partners Governed by LIBST Executive Committee Governed by LIBST Executive Committee Grant Recipient/Fiscal Agent is Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources Grant Recipient/Fiscal Agent is Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources Leveraged Connect Long Island Partnership Leveraged Connect Long Island Partnership

9 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 9 Collaboration, Coordination, Roles of Strategic Partners Under Connect Long Island (13N), LIBST oversees the Long Island Forum for Technology, Inc. (LIFT) as 13N Project Operator Under Connect Long Island (13N), LIBST oversees the Long Island Forum for Technology, Inc. (LIFT) as 13N Project Operator Under LIRIG, an Innovation Workgroup will be established within the framework Under LIRIG, an Innovation Workgroup will be established within the framework of Connect Long Island Innovation Workgroup will include key stakeholders Innovation Workgroup will include key stakeholders

10 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 10 Leveraged Resources 13N (Connect Long Island) 13N (Connect Long Island) New York Science Technology and Research (NYSTAR) investments New York Science Technology and Research (NYSTAR) investments Regional economic studies (i.e. Mapping Career Ladder Projects, Long Island Index) Regional economic studies (i.e. Mapping Career Ladder Projects, Long Island Index) Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I-B Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I-B Trade Adjustment Act Program funds Trade Adjustment Act Program funds Long Island One-Stop Partner funding streams; WIA Title II funds, investment in regional Centers of Excellence; etc. Long Island One-Stop Partner funding streams; WIA Title II funds, investment in regional Centers of Excellence; etc.

11 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 11 Leveraged Resources (continued) Resources from Empire State Development and other local economic development organizations, local government departments of economic development, industrial development agencies, Empire Zones, etc. Resources from Empire State Development and other local economic development organizations, local government departments of economic development, industrial development agencies, Empire Zones, etc.

12 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 12 Services Innovation Workgroup will: Innovation Workgroup will: Support Connect Long Island committees with emphasis on developing dislocated workers from the financial industry as a talent resourceSupport Connect Long Island committees with emphasis on developing dislocated workers from the financial industry as a talent resource Develop conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) AnalysisDevelop conduct a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

13 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 13 Services (continued) Create an Innovation Plan to rapidly identify worker downsizing and plant closure events, to provide a layoff aversion strategy where feasible, create an categorical listing of the skills of affected workers, cross-reference the skills inventory with industry occupational demands identified by the Connect Long Island initiative, and produce a skills gap reportCreate an Innovation Plan to rapidly identify worker downsizing and plant closure events, to provide a layoff aversion strategy where feasible, create an categorical listing of the skills of affected workers, cross-reference the skills inventory with industry occupational demands identified by the Connect Long Island initiative, and produce a skills gap report Based upon the skills gap report, the Innovation Workgroup will work within the Connect Long Island Partnership to identify appropriate training opportunities and leverage resources to fund services to eligible dislocated workersBased upon the skills gap report, the Innovation Workgroup will work within the Connect Long Island Partnership to identify appropriate training opportunities and leverage resources to fund services to eligible dislocated workers

14 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 14 Services (Continued) Services to be procured include: Services to be procured include: Programming and management of a skills data baseProgramming and management of a skills data base Web site developmentWeb site development Contractor services to coordinate and facilitate the Innovation WorkgroupContractor services to coordinate and facilitate the Innovation Workgroup Independent EvaluatorIndependent Evaluator

15 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 15 Transformation Strategies to be Implemented Map downsizing and layoff events Map downsizing and layoff events Share information with the Connect Long Island Partnership Share information with the Connect Long Island Partnership Compile an inventory of the skills of workers in data base Compile an inventory of the skills of workers in data base Cross-reference worker skills with demands of occupations with industry sectors and clusters studied by the Connect Long Island Project Cross-reference worker skills with demands of occupations with industry sectors and clusters studied by the Connect Long Island Project Design training to equip workers in the talent pipeline with the skills needed by businesses in our economy Design training to equip workers in the talent pipeline with the skills needed by businesses in our economy

16 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 16 Transformation Strategies to be Implemented (continued) One-Stop System will serve as access points for jobseekers to obtain in-depth labor market information and to access career development services One-Stop System will serve as access points for jobseekers to obtain in-depth labor market information and to access career development services Data collected through the LIRIG project will be organized and maintained on a web site for broad public access Data collected through the LIRIG project will be organized and maintained on a web site for broad public access

17 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 17 K through 12 Connections Skill requirements of transformational industries, as well as skills gaps determined to contribute to worker dislocations, will be shared with the superintendents of the Long Island School Districts, along with organizations that forge partnerships with business and education, such as Long Island Works Coalition, Inc.; local Youth Program Service providers, faith-based and community-based organizations, etc. Skill requirements of transformational industries, as well as skills gaps determined to contribute to worker dislocations, will be shared with the superintendents of the Long Island School Districts, along with organizations that forge partnerships with business and education, such as Long Island Works Coalition, Inc.; local Youth Program Service providers, faith-based and community-based organizations, etc. The Innovation Plan developed by the LIRIG Innovation Workgroup will include processes to align the K through 12 System with the educational opportunities created by Connect Long Island (13-N) to fulfill the needs of growing industries and industry clusters The Innovation Plan developed by the LIRIG Innovation Workgroup will include processes to align the K through 12 System with the educational opportunities created by Connect Long Island (13-N) to fulfill the needs of growing industries and industry clusters

18 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 18 K through 12 Connections (continued) Recommendations provided by the Innovation Plan will be submitted to the New York Education Department for consideration in the development of new curricula Recommendations provided by the Innovation Plan will be submitted to the New York Education Department for consideration in the development of new curricula The Innovation Workgroup will attempt to enlist local colleges and universities in the process of communicating workplace demands to the local high schools during their recruitment activities, using data from our Innovation Plan The Innovation Workgroup will attempt to enlist local colleges and universities in the process of communicating workplace demands to the local high schools during their recruitment activities, using data from our Innovation Plan Our Innovation Plan will be shared at public forums attended by the K through 12 community Our Innovation Plan will be shared at public forums attended by the K through 12 community

19 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 19 Projected Outcomes and Impacts for Planning and Implementation Creation of a web-based inventory of the skills of dislocated workers Creation of a web-based inventory of the skills of dislocated workers Development of a computer program to cross- reference the skills inventory with industry occupational demands identified by the Connect Long Island initiative Development of a computer program to cross- reference the skills inventory with industry occupational demands identified by the Connect Long Island initiative Publication of a web-based, updatable skills gap report Publication of a web-based, updatable skills gap report Alignment of training opportunities and leveraged resources with the skills required to perform demand occupations in transformational, high growth industry sectors/clusters identified by Connect Long Island Alignment of training opportunities and leveraged resources with the skills required to perform demand occupations in transformational, high growth industry sectors/clusters identified by Connect Long Island

20 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 20 Projected Outcomes and Impacts for Planning and Implementation (continued) Alignment of the service process for affected employees, where feasible, across the Long Island Region and in coordination with the New York City Region Alignment of the service process for affected employees, where feasible, across the Long Island Region and in coordination with the New York City Region Transformation of our reemployment system into a regional innovation system that aligns economic development, education and workforce initiatives Transformation of our reemployment system into a regional innovation system that aligns economic development, education and workforce initiatives

21 Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project 21 Organization Chart


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