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Lesson 3/4 Please turn in your “The Landlady” Packet to tray in back. Write your name in your Springboard book.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3/4 Please turn in your “The Landlady” Packet to tray in back. Write your name in your Springboard book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3/4 Please turn in your “The Landlady” Packet to tray in back. Write your name in your Springboard book.

2 Pass Out Books  Please put your name in the book ASAP  DO NOT LOSE THIS BOOK

3 Overview of Book  Divided into 5 Units; we will study 1, 2, 4, and 5.  First Unit: Coming of Age  Important Items: Independent Reading, Embedded Assessments, Unit Test

4 Page 1, y’all  Coming of Age: Unit Overview  Essential Questions:  What does it mean to “come of age”?  How are rhetorical appeals used to influence an audience?

5 Table of Contents, yo  Unit Goals: Write ‘em up!  Academic Vocabulary (get out notebooks!)  Voice  Advertising Techniques  Rhetorical Appeals  Leave space to add definitions

6 Learning Focus, page 4  Read independently. Mark the text, highlighting words or concepts you know in one color, and other you don’t know in another color.  In the space below, write down two things you will learn or do throughout this unit  As a class, we will discuss and add to the vocabulary notebook

7 Previewing the Unit, page 5  Answer the essential questions on your own.  Think, Pair, Share!  Predictions Together

8 Embedded Assessment 1  Unpacking the Assignment: Turn to page 60  Read the Assessment; highlight actions (what you will do) in one color.  Highlight the products you will have created from the actions in another color  As a Class, we’ll create an organizer detailing what you will be doing

9 1.2 Coming of Age: Let Me Count the Ways! Page 6 Working with a partner, follow instructions in book; fill out the privileges and responsibilities of ages we determine as a class. One at a time, add the privileges and responsibilities you and your partner came up with on this number line.

10 Coming of Age: Word Association  Brainstorm words that are associated with the idea of coming of age. Milestones? Feelings? Problems? Events? Fads? Traditions?  Jot these words down in the margins of activity 1.2; next, add words to the board.

11 Categorize! Physical ChangesSocial IssuesCultural Issues

12 Coming of Age: Definition  After our discussion, please formulate your new definition of “coming of age.” Write it in the space provided in 1.2

13 Honors: Socratic Seminar  For our discussion of Life of Pi, you as a class will hold a Socratic Seminar.  You will be responsible to come up with five discussion questions each for homework tonight.  Tomorrow, you will lead one another in discussion. It may help to nominate one or two people to be discussion leaders who keep the group on track.  I will be keeping track of participation points during discussion, and will jump in if I have to referee.  The seminar will last 30 minutes

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