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Presentation on theme: "THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING QUARTERLY SPONSOR MEETING Forté Foundation September 5, 2007."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Quarterly Sponsor Meeting Budget & Strategy Update New Sponsors New Board Members Forté Events  Forums  Career Labs Marketing & PR Update  Recent PR  Updated Collateral  Fellow Video Blogs 07-08 Calendar of Events Member Census Resume Books/Power Tools for MBA Women/Fellows Next Webex meeting: Tuesday, Dec. 4 th, 12pm eastern

3 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Budget & Strategy Update PINK funds re-allocated to college audience outreach Women in the Workplace audience collapsed into remaining audiences of College, Pre-MBA, and MBA Women

4 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING New Sponsors New sponsors joined this summer! Please welcome: Avon Queens University (Canada) Rochester (Simon) Wisconsin UCLA

5 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING New Board Members Welcome new board members… Dana Harmer, McKinsey & Company Anna Iacucci, Banc of America Securities

6 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007 Forté Forums The MBA Value Proposition September 17 Boston September 18 Washington, D.C. September 19 Chicago September 20 New York September 24 Atlanta September 25 Houston September 26 San Francisco September 27 Los Angeles October 1 New York October 9 London Target Audience: Early Career / Pre-MBA (~age 22-29)

7 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007 Forté Forums The MBA Value Proposition Online Webinar Series: Women In Business Webinar October 4, 8:00pm EST Women of Color October 11, 8:00 pm EST

8 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007 Forté Forums The MBA Value Proposition Event Timeline 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. School representatives arrive; set-up school tables; pick up ribbons/name tags at registration desk 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. Mandatory information session (each school representative is required to attend once) 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Registration, School tables open, Networking reception with light refreshments 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Alumnae Panel (School tables shut-down during panel) 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. School tables re-open 8:15 to 9:00 p.m. Admissions Panel

9 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007 Forté Forums Event Promotion Highlights Email Invitation Series: Minimum of 3 emails over 6 weeks to Forté database, school prospect lists, and GMASS data; inclusion in August and September database emails Advertising & Promotion MBA Podcaster; MBA Blogger press release; Business Journal online Event Calendar – purchase in select cities; Careerbuilder and GRE lists (TBD) Local Calendar Listings or emailings to over 50 clubs and organizations and publications Pass-Along Promotion: Sponsors and Exhibitors Facebook Group Event pages Partners: Women For Hire; Downtown Women’s Club; MBA Tour; World MBA Post-Event: Forum Podcast Series

10 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007 Forté Forums Registration to Date (9/4) CITYTARGETREGISTRATION Boston462233 Wash DC575273 *Chicago552168 NY571571 (closed) Atlanta287124 *Houston18060 San Fran499178 L.A.557161 NY861215 London27175 TOTAL48152058 43%

11 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007/2008 Undergraduate Career Labs November 6Harvard University, Boston November 13University of Chicago November 13University of Minnesota November 14Emory University, Atlanta February 2008 Columbia University Duke University Georgetown University Yale confirmed

12 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007/2008 Undergraduate Career Labs 12:00-1:30pm Leadership Lunch 4:30-5:00pm Forté Career Lab Registration & Networking 5:00-5:45pm Welcome by Forté & Host School Careers in Business 5:45-7:00pm Industry Introductions 7:00-7:30pm Networking: Students and Forté Companies 7:30-8:00pm Pre-MBA: How to Prepare for Life after College 8:00-9:00pm Career Search Secrets:10 Absolute “Musts” for Finding & Landing Your Dream Job

13 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007/2008 Undergraduate Career Labs Event Promotion Plans Media  Focus $ on local university media  Student newspapers  Press releases  Increased intern marketing budgets On-Campus Outreach  Hiring 8 interns: 1 for each Career Lab campus Intern Kickoff: scheduled for week of 9/10  Hiring for a full year, to promote all of Forte, build relationships on campus, and have sufficient time and contacts to promote the Labs  Invite 2-3 clubs per school to co-host event  Meet with undergrad staff leaders  Pass-along campaign– student clubs, athletic groups, resident halls  Hang up flyers around campus  Invite student newspaper & place event in calendar  Interns to use Facebook, myspace, etc to promote events

14 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Marketing and PR Update  PR Successes Wall Street Journal (7/19): How to Raise Female MBA Enrollment CNBC Morning Call (8/1): Panel discussion, tie-in to MBA Challenge PINK Magazine (8/13): Climbing the Ivory Tower Oprah Magazine (Sept 07): 8 Ways to Get Back in the Game Charlottesville Daily Progress (9/2): Record Breaking Increase in Women at Darden

15 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Marketing and PR Update  Updated Collateral New Forté Postcards Each sponsor will receive a supply in September  Forté Fellow Video-blogs Video Diary of a first-year MBA student’s experiences Polled several 2009 Fellows to determine interest, participate in a video audition 5 Fellows in process of submitting audition videos –MIT; Georgetown; Carlson; UT; Indiana 2-3 will be selected based on diversity of school, geography, professional background, and presence on video Submissions will be posted on website, communicated in newsletters, promoted through MBA bloggers

16 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 2007/2008 Sponsor Calendar Mark Your Calendar!  Sept.17-October 9Pre-MBA Forté Forum Events  Nov. 1-Feb. ’08U-G Career Lab Events  October 29-30Board Meeting, NYC  May 2008Corporate Best Practices Summit  June 25Financial Services FAST Track  June 26Financial Services FAST Track  June 27MBA Conference, Dialogue with Leadership, Career Fair, NYC  Other June datesTBD

17 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Communications Calendar Monthly Database E-mails: e-newsletter, Forté Family News, Coming Events, Event Invitations September/October COMMUNICATION Member Census Power Tools Reminder Scholar Selection Kick-off 2007/2008 Fellow and MBA Women Resume Book ACTION ITEM Fill out and return sponsor census by October 30, 2007 Remind your Fellows and MBA women about Power Tools (schools); Post jobs and search for MBA talent (companies) Review Fellow selection process and calendar (schools) Use the Fellow Resume Book to find MBA talent (companies)

18 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sponsor Census Purpose Determine how we can better serve our sponsorship, Respond to media requests—because of our public relations efforts, we are often viewed as a clearing house for questions on women’s issues, and Track trends of the Forté member schools and companies so that we can report on successes, e.g. if the percentage of women entering MBA programs has changed. Timeline Friday, September 28 th —Census will go live and an email will be sent to sponsorship Wednesday, October 31 st —Deadline for submitting census responses November & December—Forté to aggregate member census

19 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Sponsor Census Sample Corporate Questions Number of MBA women hired Number of women in Senior Leadership Positions MBA and U/G feeder schools Sample School Questions % of women enrolled in MBA Program U/G feeder schools for MBA program Marketing outreach to women

20 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Recruiting Fellows Power Tools Online resume search and job posting system Please post your job opportunities NOW! Forte’s Outreach to MBA women Current Stats on database Undergraduate database now live Resume Book Deadline for 2008 Scholars: September 15, 2007 Deadline for 2009 Scholars: September 30, 2007

21 THE 2006 FORTÉ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Recruiting Fellows Other Ways… Use the Forté Listserv   Send them a special invitation when you’re visiting their campus Wear your Forté ribbon when recruiting Mention Forté in your interviews with women Refer to Recruiter’s Guide and How to Recruit MBA Women through Forté

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